fish diagnosis

  1. Herbie's Reef

    need help with possible clownfish disease

    Hi, I just recently purchased a pair of Wyoming White clownfish and they have been in quarantine with copper and nitrofurazone. Today is the 6th day and I noticed a long white string hanging from one of the cowfishes belly along with irregular swimming patterns and a damaged back fin. I am...
  2. P

    Purple tang ich?

    Hi guys, Looking for an opinion from people with more experience than myself. I have a purple tang and couple clowns in QT, they have done a full treatment of 12 days in NT Labs anti parasite (formaldehyde & copper). Then tank transfer to a clean tank. After a week of observation the purple...
  3. M

    Disease ID

    Hello everyone I am new to this forum, but I have been keeping an eye out on these forums and see many knowledgeable fish keepers on here. That’s why I am asking for some help identifying this disease to know which route I should go for treatment. My tank is a 300-gallon Fish only with live...
  4. J

    Large white spot on flame angelfish

    Hello everyone, I just had a question on this spot that I just noticed on my flame angel that is in qt. Does it look like ich? Looks to big to be ich to me but I’m not sure. Still eating well and is active.
  5. fushi

    Fish disease help

    I have two new to me green chromis with white stringy poop and bloated stomaches, and they wont eat, does anyone have any suggestions on treating them. I have had them for about 4 days, they were given back to the LFS when someone moved. I have tried garlic, I figure if I can get them to eat I...
  6. A

    EMERGENCY Brooklynella?

    I got my clown about 3 days ago, and he’s currently in 2.0 ppm copper power and have also dosed general cure. He was still refusing to eat so I checked for flukes with a freshwater dip, and it looks like there is mucus on his fins. I’m not sure if this is brook so can the experts help out...
  7. M

    Melanurus wrasse hiding for weeks finally found.

    Hello, My melanurus wrasse have been hiding for weeks, I just found it to but it seems weak, breathing heavily, have puffy (almost cloudy) eyes, and I feel it is struggling to bury itself (maybe the substrate is too dense), I am using caribsea dry sand. I moved it to a breeder box with some...
  8. Reefer37

    Injured Clownfish?

    Just today noticed a raised portion of my clownfish's lip where it appears she might have got injured. I can't tell if it's that or something worse, but she has been acting pretty normal with no weird swimming or behavior and definitely has an appetite. All other fish in the tank seem fine...
  9. A

    Potential fish disease - could I get an opinion please?

    Hi there, It looks like all I have is problems since I introduced a blasto frag to my tank. A bit of a background so far: I have a 13.5g fluval evo with 10lbs aragonite sand and real reef rock, the tanks was fully cycled and it's been 2 months since I introduced the first inhabitants: a pair...
  10. Kryssie

    Stringy skin on Bristletooth Tang

    I dun goofed. I introduced a clownfish to my display without QTing recently. I knew better and I did it anyway. Shame on me. (I also posted this in the wrong forum earlier.) Anyway, now Bentley (Bristletooth) and Jubilee (Yellow) have some kind of skin condition. I’m scared it’s brook, but I...
  11. Kryssie

    Fluid Filled Lesion on Pink Watchman Goby’s tail

    Hello all! My wife’s Pink Spotted Watchman Goby has a large fluid filled blister-like lesion near his tail. She has had him for a year and a half. He just moved into her new 75g tank from quarantine a month ago. He has been eating and swimming normally with no signs of disease or parasites...
  12. Jeremy K.A.

    Fish dropping dead like flies!!!

    I need your help Reef2Reef crew! In my 55 gallon mixed reef I've lost 3 fish this week. Parameters are Po4 undetectable/trace, nitrates undetectable/trace, Alk 10, Calcium 460. The symptoms are as follows: This is on different days, I'd feed the tank and the fish would eat. First time, Bangaii...
  13. AlexChef

    Looking for advice after building DiY Refugium/sump

    So I've been "aquariuming" for awhile however, I did not gain good experience due to rash teenage decisions and mostly blew my money on equipment/fish I didn't know how to use/care for. Now after college I'm back and have the money/patience to do it right. ANYWAYS I have a 55g display tank and...
  14. TANK TERROR: Bacterial Infections In The Reef Tank

    TANK TERROR: Bacterial Infections In The Reef Tank

    Editor’s Note: The reef aquarium hobby is not for the faint of heart. Maintaining a complex ecosystem can be a daunting task with many variables in play that all have effect on one another. However, beyond the effort to maintain the ecosystem and address common day-to-day issues, there are...
  15. TANK TERROR: Identifying And Treating Marine Velvet

    TANK TERROR: Identifying And Treating Marine Velvet

    The reef aquarium hobby is not for the faint of heart. Maintaining a complex ecosystem can be a daunting task with many variables in play that all have effect on one another. However, beyond the effort to maintain the ecosystem and address common day-to-day issues, there are catastrophic...