fish desease

  1. W

    Six line wrasses cause of death

    Ordered 2 six line wrasses online. One arrived dead with spots and a web like film peeling off. The second appeared fine, added him to the tank. (Didn’t have a quarantine tank set up but working on one now) the next afternoon he seemed uninterested in eating and also had a film peeling off...
  2. fishtankantibiotics

    Fish antibiotics

    Fish aid IS PROUD TO INTRODUCE AQUARIUM ANTIBIOTICS from Fish aid , a USA based company offering Pharmacuetical Grade USP quality products here in the US only! Choose from 14 different capsules and/or tablets in popular strengths and sizes. No prescription is required! Keep your fish healthy...
  3. Reef Newbe

    EMERGENCY Please help Naso tank not eating

    Hi all please help with my fish. He cannot eat because in his mouse seem to be white stuff in it. He seem to try to eat but then he spit it out, seem painful for him. Also the body has white as well. He is inside my hospital tank right now and I try to feed him with a Syringe. Thanks for the help.
  4. L

    Blue tang with marks in his head

    Good Morning. I have has this blue tang for some time, at first when he was younger I thought these marks were his nostrils but now I see them quite strange, does anyone know if this is normal? I have more tangs and this is the only one that has this kind of marks, I also have to say that...
  5. Sakosreef

    New naso tang with white dust patches

    Hi guys, I picked up a naso tang from my LFS and in the store it looked fine, I brought it home and put it in my 75gal qt which currently has copper under 1.0ppm. I don’t notice any heavy breathing or very alarming behavior, however, it developed this white dust looking patches on its head. Also...
  6. R

    Clownfish white lips and tail

    Hello .. one of my clowns seems to have qn issue with her mouth and tale .. not white spots in the aquarium.. thay was developed last few days i beleive.. but its been there for 1 month no issues till today Lall wayer parameters are good
  7. Thomas Wieczorek

    Ick or lymphocystis!?!

    I have a CCB fairly new, I purchased him for some aptaisa control. I noticed a white spot on his tail fin. I'm really hoping it's not ick! I have tangs and none of them have any white spot so that's what makes me believe this is possibly lymphocystis. I have a purple tang. Naso tang. Mimic tang...
  8. kirinreef

    Dosing H2O2 to help fighting velvet in DT

    Display tank: 150G custom tank + 50G sump. started from August 2019. Some of the rock was from the old 15G nano started from July 2018. QT tank: 20G long, established after the velvet outbreak for holding fish purchased from the boxing day sale... However more like an observation tank. Some...
  9. BluerSkiesAhead

    Cloudy Fin on Porcupine Puffer -HELP??

    My porcupine puffer is acting completely normal and eating just fine, but he has weird cloudy patches in fins that weren’t there yesterday. Does anyone know what this is??
  10. R

    Sailfin Tang

    The past two days my tang has been looking worse. I have another tang in my tank and it's condition is healthy. Please let me know, I'm very concerned.
  11. Cyclone-G

    How Get Rid of Uronema and Flukes on Butterflyfish

    I went through several Pyramid Butterfly fish to figure this out. Watch as I take you through 4 months of working with these fish to figure out a cure. Amazon links to everything I used in the videos is in the youtube comment section.