fish death

  1. W

    Six line wrasses cause of death

    Ordered 2 six line wrasses online. One arrived dead with spots and a web like film peeling off. The second appeared fine, added him to the tank. (Didn’t have a quarantine tank set up but working on one now) the next afternoon he seemed uninterested in eating and also had a film peeling off...
  2. newreef1

    Fish Dying

    Hey guys, I’m back to share my turmoil and maybe get some support again from you all. My tank was doing great after my last post regarding treating my tank with copper and raising salinity. I had done a few water changes after my copper treatment and copper was down low to a 0.69 ppm. All the...
  3. An_Enemy

    Baby clown death on day 23

    Just had a baby clown die at 23 days. I was under the impression that everything was safe at this point. Does anyone know what the cause could be? I'd like to avoid any more deaths. I've checked the water parameters and they all look good. Multiple filters and airstones as well, so there should...
  4. design.maddie

    Tank crashed during extended move, now what?

    Long story short: A move was supposed to take 2 days with a third day dedicated just to moving the tank. None of that happened. Move ended up lasting almost a week with no time left for the tank. Electric got shut off earlier than expect at the previous house. No way to make saltwater for 3...
  5. J

    Tomini Tang Sickness

    Hello, My tomini tang has had marks on him for over a week now. Had to go away for a trip and it looks much worse. Have not been able to identify what it has. He is eating but is hiding a lot. He obviously looks more white than normal, had holes in the head, and appears to have a rust like...
  6. T

    Quarantine Tank Lesson Learn

    Valuable lessons often come at high prices. Unfortunately, today was one such day... Today, I leaned a Blue Spot Jawfish will indeed jump out of a 1.5” x 1.5” square section of an uncovered QT tank top. I should’ve known better after I saw the Flamehawk awhile back, in the pictured corner...
  7. Ocean_dreamer89

    Royal gramma died of unknown cause

    Hello all! It’s a sad morning for me as I woke up to my first fish casualty. My hopes for this post is to get any advice as to what may have happened so that I can prevent it in the future. It’s a bit of a long story but I’ll try to be concise. My royal gramma was the first fish in my tank...
  8. Sakosreef

    What is ich?

    Hi everyone, I hope everybody is doing good. I have some questions about marine ich, I want to separate fact from fiction so if you can help me out I’d very much appreciate it. 1. Can a fish have ich and not show any signs of it? 2. I’ve been told a fish can carry ich and not show signs of it...
  9. Piranha76

    Powder blue tang death

    I have had a powder blue tang for over 9 months. He was king of the 125 gallon tank and swam freely. He was fat and eating well. Loved the seaweed and garlic. Today when I got home from work he was dead stuck to the power head. Do you think it was a freak accident or did he die of something...
  10. S

    New to hobby dealing with ich

    Hello, I’ve been running a 75 gallon for about 3 months and have a few fish and goby’s as well as a decent clean up crew. I also have a few beginner corals like GSP, Zoa’s and Xenia’s. About 4 days ago I noticed ich on my flame angel, and researched some treatments and cures. I learned about...
  11. Tangina20

    Random fish deaths

    I’m more of a coral guy than a fish guy and have no experience with fish diseases. I have a 40b with a maroon clown and a watchman goby. The last two fish I had were a damsel (lasted 3 days) and a six line (lasted 3 weeks). After looking at every option on what is going wrong with newly...
  12. Tangina20

    Possible maroon clownfish agression

    I have a 40b with a maroon clown and a watchman goby. The last two fish I had were a damsel (lasted 3 days) and a six line (lasted 3 weeks). After looking at every option on what is going wrong with newly introduced fish my best guess is the clownfish attacked. The symptoms of both fish were...
  13. Jeremy K.A.

    Fish dropping dead like flies!!!

    I need your help Reef2Reef crew! In my 55 gallon mixed reef I've lost 3 fish this week. Parameters are Po4 undetectable/trace, nitrates undetectable/trace, Alk 10, Calcium 460. The symptoms are as follows: This is on different days, I'd feed the tank and the fish would eat. First time, Bangaii...
  14. 1

    Fish are dying slowly one by one

    :( Not sure why or how my fish are starting to disappear one by one. So far have 3 fish have "disappeared" all of this started after i did 25-30% water changes for the past 2-3 weeks. I'm positive it's not the salt, my WC procedure is simply adding the RODI, adding salt for 1.026 salinity and...
  15. PeterG

    Fish Died - What to do now?

    I have a fairly new 90 gal mixed reef tank; started up in August. Lost a couple of fish along the way but everything doing well for the most part. In the past 2 days I’ve had two Tangs, a Kole and a Powder Grey, die within 24 hrs of each other. I purchased them less than 2 two weeks ago from a...
  16. PeterG

    Fish Died - What to do now?

    I have a fairly new 90 gal mixed reef tank; started up in August. Lost a couple of fish along the way but everything doing well for the most part. In the past 2 days I’ve had two Tangs, a Kole and a Powder Grey, die within 24 hrs of each other. I purchased them less than 2 two weeks ago from a...
  17. P

    Question About Clownfish Mated Pairs

    Hello everyone! I am a new reefer who just set up my first tank a couple of weeks ago. It's a 75 gallon display with a 30 gallon sump. Well, for my first fish I decided to get a pair of little juvenile clownfish, as I had done lots of research and wanted a mated pair. Everything was fine for the...
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