fish dead

  1. S

    Water Change after fish death?

    So I just got home today to find that my fairy wrasse had died but this isn't what my question is about. Should I now do a water change to avoid an ammonia spike? I removed what was left of the carcass but it looked like my snails and crabs had been eating it for a few hours maybe. I did a water...
  2. F

    Fish dead help

    Need some major help. For the past 6 months ive been struggling with my first marine tank, I keep getting help from these guys at the pet store, but alot of time their advice controdicts themselves. Right now my tank is just some live rock, sand, 2 cleaner crabs and two ocellaris clownfish...
  3. L

    Frozen food

    Would like people's thoughts on this. I have been keeping a mixed reef tank for years now, and have always fed my fish with mainly frozen foods! Last night I fed them with frozen krill, and to my surprise a white feather was introduced into my tank via the frozen krill. The very next day my...