
  1. A

    First Fish - Clownfish Fin Rot?

    Hi guys! So picked up this pair on Saturday. Acclimated and popped them into my 180L tank, where they both hid in the rock work. Noticed this morning that one seems to have rather damaged fins, not sure if fin rot or is just from stress or perhaps bullying at the LFS? Is not eating but then has...
  2. J

    My first fish!!

    So my first fish has settled in nicely was going to go for two clowns but someone beat me to them so I came away with this beauty and honestly I'm so happy, he's super enquizitive and loves swimming to the glass no name as of yet, open to suggestions
  3. 55885552525__0F085D0D-35F5-46C3-A201-F08F0FFC9F99


    Just got him today, normal?
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