first ever

  1. Boaz1021

    Build Thread Hugh's First Reef Tank... 150Gallons

    This is my very first salt water fish tank. My only previous experience is a 5 Gallon Betta tank, so essentially no experience. That being the case, I decided to start with an established tank (read second hand tank). It's a 150 Gallon reef tank, with sand, rocks, lights, and Fluval FX5...
  2. Requiemiero

    Build Thread Journey to a Reef Wonderland (From Step 0)

    Hi all, Finally putting together a build thread for my first tank! I am starting from Step 0, which is planning and research. So any and all advice on this rough blueprint for my tank is welcome! :) Now is the time for me to be pivoting and flexibly charting my course since I have only made...
  3. Sinibotia

    Build Thread Finally pulling together my first reef

    This is just a 10 gallon standard I'm setting up as a nano reef. Going to stock it with easy softies to start, a shrimp goby and pistol shrimp, a couple motile inverts. For now it's just got an emerald crab, a few hermits, and a certith snail. I just got the light in today to round out my...
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