
  1. Herbie's Reef

    Bristleworms killing my cuc!!!

    I have not seen either of my turbo snails roaming around in a while. Well today I found a dead turbo with some sort of bristleworm in the shell. The other turbo is now missing and so is one of my two trochus snails. Below is a photo of the worm which I beleive might be a fireworm? Is there any...
  2. Rumblykibles74

    Brittle worm or fireworm?

    Hi! I just discovered this nasty looking pest in my sand and come to realize that they were living on my live rock. I immediately took of the rock and got as many as I can out of the substrate. I have fairly new dry rock so I dint think there living there but I did check anyways and there seems...
World Wide Corals