
  1. T

    Firefish PTSD?

    Hi guys, Story time, and then a question! I have a purple firefish who was living happily and peacefully with the rest of his tankmates for about 6 months. He was always out and about, just part of the crew. Then, I attempted to add a six line wrasse, who, minutes after introduction, proceeded...
  2. Begalke

    Build Thread 20 gallon nano reef

    Thought I would start a thread on my 20 g nano reef! Current fish is an all-time favorite, Nemateleotris helfrichi. - Jason Begalke
  3. P

    ick or fluke on my firefish help

    Saw this on my firefish as I was about to do my water change and I saw him "darting" across the sand a couple of times. Is this fluke or ich? Can I just treat the tank with prazipro (the only other fish in the tank is a cardinal)? I'm QT a fish in my QT tank right now and currently treating the...
  4. C

    Is this normal firefish behavior? Or is he sick?

    I've had him for a month and he's in there with a threadfin cardinal and nothing else except for corals. This is the first time I've seen him like this. He's always been hiding for 3 weeks (coming out occasionally), but for the past week, he's been coming out and swimming in the tank, but I saw...
  5. C

    Firefish hiding problem

    Hi, I have a firefish (the only fish there) in my 55 gallon tank that has 40 lbs or rock. It spends the majority (90%) of its time in between the rocks and doesn't come out for feeding unless I leave the tank (I have a camera pointed at the tank so I know that he's coming out when I'm gone)...
  6. J

    Purple and helfrichi fire fish together in a 24g?

    Hi, I have one purple fire fish in my 24 nano and want to add a helfrichi fire fish as well, but I don’t know if they are compatible in a smaller tank
  7. H

    Firefish and goby

    I've had a couple of firefish who built a home under the live rocks. Just introduced a diamond goby who quickly went into their home and started digging. Will they both get along or will this be a problem?
  8. C

    Ring eye dottyback with firefish?

    I was wondering if anyone has experience with ring eye dottybacks and if they would have issues with a fire fish or barnacle blenny?
  9. J

    EMERGENCY Fire fish caught in filter, now I can’t find him, and I’m going away in 3 days.

    Yesterday I got home to see my fire fish stuck in the bio cube 32 back wall filtration thing, with his head sticking out into the tank, and the rest of his body in the 1st filtration area. I got him out and he kind of lifelessly sank to the bottom, and sat there for about an hour or 2, and he...
  10. CrazyDuck959

    What fish next?

    So I was wondering, what should I get next fish wise. I have a 13 gallon with a pair of clowns and a cleaner shrimp + a clean up crew. I want to get a Exquisite Firefish, as my centerpiece fish. But I also want something that is productive for the fish tank like a sand sifting goby. What do you...
  11. Diveks

    EMERGENCY Brookynella and i can’t catch the firefish

    several fish has started dying and i think it is brook. I got it from a mandarin i got. Of course i just plopped it in and thought everything will go fine. Well 3 fish died and now only 2 clowns and a firefish is left. The clowns are in horrible condition, still eating but skin is slouching off…...
  12. JayFish4004

    Firefish peaceful?! Pfffff

    I want to know how one could call a firefish peaceful given how territorial they are. There really should be some mention of that. We have named ours Ursula - she is a purple firefish who is a giant bully to our pair of bluestreak cardinals. Now she isn’t out for blood like yellowtail damsels...
  13. adamlodge14

    Firefish with white spot

    Hi, I’m having a problem at the moment with white-spot in my 50 litre saltwater aquarium. About 1 month ago I bought two coral gobies for my tank that both ended up introducing ich. I started immediately treating with polyp lab reef medic to try to help (I also have a purple Firefish, scooter...
  14. SquidySpecs

    Hello Hello from Oklahoma

    Hello, I'm Squidy. I have a 20 gallon reef of mostly softies like zoas, mushrooms, a kenya tree, and a green star polyp frag. I also have many small colonies of candycane coral. My three fish are two clowns and a firefish. I'd like to be a marine biologist when I'm older and I'm certainly...
  15. D

    Prayers for my Firefish Goby

    Recently purchased a Firefish Goby from petco. I did not approve of the lady that took our things out of the tank, she threw rocks around and I believe she injured a carpet Nem by throwing a rock at it. She also crushed a Nem by setting it’s rock on top of it. My goby came home with his top fin...
  16. derek170

    Sick Firefish

    My firefish goby is hardly moving, also is gasping for air. Not eating either. I tested salinity and its at 1.025. Any suggestions on saving the fish are appreciated..
  17. derek170

    Nano Build 10 gallon nano reef

    My current stocking is 1 firefish goby, and 2 blastomussa corals. I plan to add a few peppermint shrimp, and some astrea snails to help deal with my diatom outbreak, also some GSP to the island rock in the back, and possibly a green candy cane coral. I had the lights on a bright white setting...
  18. Nemesis of Pistol Shrimps

    Scratches or Disease/Parasite? (Firefish Goby)

    Hello, while feeding my firefish today, I've noticed small light patches and a slightly cloudy eye (only one of the eyes are cloudy). The cloudiness is so slight that the phone can't capture it. When I looked at the fish from the top, it appears that the edge of the eye is peeling a bit? The...
  19. E

    EMERGENCY What is on my firefish goby???

    Hi everyone! Im very new to marine fish keeping. I got a firefish goby two weeks ago. Upon getting it, it looked in very good shape. But just a couple of days ago, I started noticing that its tail was frayed and now i noticed some white fuzzy spots on its body. Could someone help me identify...
  20. SpendoEndo

    The Pico Squad

    The show piece live stock in my 5gal pico :D Got a good pic of em chillin together
  21. sujcab111

    Firefish dorsal fin down

    If you saw my last post you’ll know I redid my whole aquascape. Which understandably caused him some stress. So far is the only fish in my tank and had his established hiding spot. So he had his dorsal fin down a few days but shortly was right back to normal. Now, all of a sudden.. I look at him...
  22. E

    My purple scale fairy wrasse wont stop bothering my helfrichi firefish

    Hey guys, first post here. New to the hobby and did not start my tank in the traditional method at all. I got my stuff used and some live rock to sort of "jump start" my tank. It has been running for a little over a month now. I started off by adding CUC first, huge fan of the sand sifting...
  23. dimitrinivo

    Build Thread 10 gallon "****" reef tank, 3 months old

    What started out as a FOWLR tank with macro algae for a bluestripe pipefish and pygmy filefish evolved into a beautiful, natural looking soft coral and invert dominated reef tank. The Equipment: - Seachem tidal 35 HOB filter - 528 gph powerhead - 50 watt heater - 10lbs of live rock - 10lbs...
  24. T

    Firefish Goby Breathing

    Hello all, I am fairly new to the hobby and am starting a new reef tank. I have had 4 firefish Gobies for just under 3 months now, the first month being in a quarantine tank, the two larger of my gobies live in this larger rock cave and the two smaller ones live on the other side of the tank...
  25. ReeferWarrant

    Help: Firefish Flashing and Hiding Often

    I got a firefish from my buddy that was pretty banged up from his other firefish. I've had it in the tank for about 2 months and it was always pretty active and made it's home in a cave. It eats fine and it's fins were pretty badly damaged, but are now fully regrown. The problem now is I will...