fire red shrimp

  1. T

    Red Fire Shrimp

    Hi Everyone, Today I purchased one red fire shrimp from local fish store and when I came home then only I notice he don't have 2 left legs I am worried I did not noticed in local fish store so I know Its my fault but do they grow back as I am new to this hobby? Thank you.
  2. F

    RBTA Split and Fire Red Shrimp Molted Same Night. Good, Bad, or Indifferent?

    My Rose Bubble Tip Anemone has yet to have bubble like tentacles since I got it over a month ago. Shortly before receiving the anemone the previous owner told me it had split, mine being the mother. I got a fire red shrimp also about a month ago and it has molted three times already. Last...
  3. BifrostReefer

    Lympho assist from fire shrimp?

    I have a tang with lympho, I'm curious if there are any reef inhabitants that would help clean them off? Maybe cleaner wrasse or shrimp? A few times today I have noticed my yellow tang approach my blood red fire shrimp and allow a quick cleaning. I'm wondering if it's just coincidence or if the...
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