fin problem

  1. JennyH3

    Hippo tang - injured fin or disease

    This morning I noticed that my hippo is favoring one fin. I can’t tell if he is injured or has the start of a fin disease. video is long - around the 2 min mark is a good shot. I was videoing the Anthias as well. He was introduced to the tank a month ago. He came larger that I thought he would...
  2. J

    New tang fins

    Good afternoon, this is my new BIOTA yellow tang. Small little guy. Purchased this from a local LFS yesterday. In the shop I noticed all the little new boots yellow tangs had fins that looked damaged. Was told my owner that they usually come with some fins nipped from shipping from all the fish...
  3. WTJReef

    Issue with Bristletooth ID Please

    Hi All, My bristle tooth tang has recently completed 8 weeks of quarantine. During the last 2 weeks of quarantine I adopted a hybrid approach that employed several different techniques I've read about online. This included a formalin dip of 45mins, tank transfers every 36 hours (with new...
  4. A

    First Fish - Clownfish Fin Rot?

    Hi guys! So picked up this pair on Saturday. Acclimated and popped them into my 180L tank, where they both hid in the rock work. Noticed this morning that one seems to have rather damaged fins, not sure if fin rot or is just from stress or perhaps bullying at the LFS? Is not eating but then has...
  5. reefrubble

    Fin Injury or Disease: Melanurus Wrasse (Halichoeres Melanurus)

    Hi fellow reefers, Question: (answers from experienced reef tank owners preferred) Based off of the provided information and images in this post, does this Melanurus Wrasse appear to be injured or sick? If sick, with what? Background: About 3.5 weeks ago I purchased this Melanurus Wrasse from...
  6. J

    Moorish Idol/ coral beauty being picked on or fin rot?

    I have had a coral beauty angel for about 2 weeks and the idol for exactly 1 week, my coral beauty got beat up pretty bad when he first got in the tank by my tomani tang. I noticed the white scrape looking things on his face and top fin about 4 days ago, and they have been getting slightly worse...
  7. S

    EMERGENCY What the crap happened to my Exquisite FireFish?!?

    One day he was fine and last night he looked like this . He’s not eating. Was he attacked by a hermit crab? Is it a parasite or bacteria? I also have a clown who looks fine and a tangaroa goby who looks fine. What happened to my poor fire fish?!? He is 1.5 years old. Is there a chance he could...
  8. T

    EMERGENCY Clownfish tail disappearing… tailrot?

    Hey guys I’m new to this forum I would really appreciate some help in identifying what is affecting my clown. I got her a week ago from my lfs. From the beginning I noticed that her tail was a little ragged, but I assumed it was from other fish nipping at the store. However since then it’s...
  9. Gonj

    Clown missing tail?

    Hey! So I’ve been on quite a journey with my mocha clown I have him in qt with my frostbite snowflake, the mocha showed signs of Brook gave him a bath in rrr and treated tank with metroplex, once again after a couple weeks showed signs of Brook and had this worm like string coming out of him...
  10. N

    EMERGENCY My clown fish’s tail looks like it is deteriorating

    Can anyone tell me what is going on and how I can fix it
  11. Z

    EMERGENCY Was my blenny attacked or is he sick?

    I have a 100gl tank- 1 red lip blenny, 3 emerald crabs, 3 clown fish, 1 CBS, 6 nassarius snails, and a dozen or so hermit crabs. Saturday- Got my blenny, he looked great. After a few hours of having him it looked like he was swimming up to and laying next to the CBS as if asking the shrimp to...
  12. T

    Fin rot or aggression

    Idk if this in fin rot or from the two clowns just fighting at night. I just woke up and his fin was like this, and both of them have a little tear in their fin. If y’all know if I should buy any medication for this please tell me, I don’t want this spreading and becoming worst. In the pictures...
  13. D

    EMERGENCY I can’t tell if my clownfish has fin rot

    Hi, I just bought a clownfish two hours ago from petco and recently put him in my tank. When I got him into the tank I noticed that his fins looked a little deteriorated. At petco he was in a larger tank with 2 other clownfish and a cleaner shrimp. I was wondering if someone knew what is wrong...
  14. KM Wrasse

    Yellow tang no fins

    I have a 93 gallon mixed reef that’s been set up for about 2 years. Everything is doing great except for my yellow tang. I bought him about 1 1/2 years ago when he was about the size of a half dollar. Soon after I purchased him his dorsal and anal fin began to recede evenly.. and now it has...