filter media

  1. N

    New IM Nuvo 40 Build Reef Tank filter media what to use ?

    Hello Everyone , I did a thread search and couldn’t find the answer to this question specifically for the im nuvo 40 I am new to marine tanks (15 years experience in freshwater off and on) but this is my first saltwater tank. I am setting up this IM Nuvo 40 and I am wondering what I should put...
  2. M

    InTank Media Basket for Fluval 32.5 Setup

    Hello, I am looking at purchasing a couple Intank Media Baskets for my Fluval Flex 32.5. I was wondering how everybody liked them? Do they work well with the stock pump as far a flow and everything. Also, what do your filter media set ups look like? Has anyone actually had luck with Macro Algae...
  3. Y

    Canister contents

    So I'm going to be setting up my first reef tank, first salt tank in many years. I'm going with canister filters (I know what people think about them). It is a 40 breeder. I bought 2 Penn plax 700's with the idea that intake/return one each side of the tank would be beneficial. While I'm still...
  4. ForTheLoveOfCoral21

    What's your go to filter media?

    Happy New Year to everyone on R2R! It is time to replace the filter media on my Evo 13.5 and was curious to what you use, or what you would use in this situation. Mixed reef with everything. Currently running carbon, filter floss, bio balls ( ceramic and plastic ) and a sponge I have two...
  5. WheatToast

    What are your thoughts on Grid Filters?

    Note: I do not intend to use one on my current system, but I might consider them for a smaller project. Lately, I have seen these “Grid Filters” doing the rounds in the freshwater hobby. Though their capacity and flow rate would likely be quite low, they seem like an interesting way to...
  6. Robert (Bearclawws)

    Lotus Root Bacteria House III (for Marine Water)

    Is there any source in the U.S. to buy this specific Media product that is currently sold by Mountain Tree in Europe yet? Looks like an amazing product. Lotus Root Bacteria House III (for Marine Water) Surface area...
  7. D

    Are filter socks necessary?

    I have a 75 gal mixed reef with fish and a Trigger Sapphire 39 sump. I do not use any filter media in the Trigger. I drilled holes in the drain pipe in the aquarium and then wrapped it with Marineland Bonded Filter pad. I clean they pad about once per month. I use this method because I do not...
  8. JGTPA

    Advice for getting back into it.

    Just got back into the hobby after an almost 20 break. There is a ton of experience in this forum & look forward to all of your advice. I'm familiar with most marine fish but am new to corals. I do have some public aquarium aquarium aquarist experience from long ago so, I understand water...
  9. A

    Biocube 16 filter media

    What filter media is everyone using in their biocube and why? Currently, all I use is Filter Floss in the filter cartridge place on the right side of the back reservoir. I’m noticing that in order to keep my tank looking pristine I would probably have to clean it at least every 2 weeks...
  10. R

    Bio media question.

    Hello all. I currently have a internal filter on my reef tank that has spunges and bio balls in it. I am looking to upgrade my filter to and external canister filter (no sump no space under aquarium for one ) what would I do in regards to the new filter and the bio filtration as it will be...
  11. jackalexander

    Water Clarity

    I want to get nearly purely clear water but it’s too hard with just the filter pad and bag of carbon I’m running in my media basket. Any thoughts on the best filtration? I was thinking seachem purigen, filter floss, carbon and a mini refugium but I’m not too sure.
  12. Reefer37

    Should I Keep My Filter Media?

    So tank is going on 10 months now, it is a JBJ45 which I started with 40lbs of dry rock. I changed out my chemipure in my media basket the other day and noticed a lot of build up of junk in my filter media (they're those simple plastic rings). Is there really any point for having those in...
  13. Carly Knight

    Reef tank - replace media in sump/aiptasia

    Hi So I adopted an established reef tank a few months back. I managed to get on top of an aiptasia issue in the display tank... But recently noticed there are a few in the back chamber on one of the filter media bags. I'm worried if I remove it I'm gonna remove the beneficial bacteria. But if...
  14. BighohoReef

    Really interesting topic: Felt vs. Nylon which one's better?

    I know another thought-provoking controversial topic :eek: :p:cool: . Looking back through some old threads I've been trying to decide whether I should swap out my nylon socks for felt socks. In my indecisiveness, I'm gonna leave it up to the community to decide for me. It would also be nice...
  15. JustenT

    Filter media & sump help

    I have a small sump I’m setting up for a nano reef I’m setting up. I don’t know what media to place in it. I’m doing a protein skimmer. But what should I add for media. A large particle, to a medium, to a floss? Then skimmer? If you can link me stuff on BRS or MD please do so, or even amazon...
  16. ReefReadyYouTube

    Best way to run a HOB filter.

    This is obviously my opinion but works great for me and I would recommend this setup to anyone. I’m using a Fluval 50 but I feel like this can work in any HOB filter. The media need is: • Cheato •Filter floss •Poly filter pad •GFO/ chemi pure blue nano •LOTS of bio blocks/pellets/spheres This...
  17. MarineDepot

    Easter Baskets and Eggs for your Reef!

    Easter Baskets and Eggs for your Reef! The Easter Bunny wants to $AVE you money! Ends TONIGHT @ Midnight!
  18. Luis Marrero

    AIO Build Have experience with the Innovative Marine Purity Packs?

    I don't know about you but i am tired of cutting filter pads for AIO media baskets. I recently purchased the Purity Pack from Innovative Marine and i love it! Re-usable, Re-washable and to be honest last longer and picks up more particles from the water. Let's hear your experiences and share how...
  19. MarineDepot

    VIDEO: How to Regenerate Your Filter Media (6x or more!)

    VIDEO: How to Regenerate Your Filter Media (6x or more!) PLUS: Regen Reactor Bundles, Reverse Osmosis Deals, & New Arrivals!
  20. 1

    How to clean micron filter bags?

    Hey y'all, Just wondering on how you guys clean your micron filter bags? I use the eshopp rectangle handle bags. I recently used a tiny bit of bleach and threw them in the wash for couple cycles. Though they are absolutely clean and bright white, the bleach smell remains and the bag is now a...
  21. Sammi Mi

    Canister filter

    I'm currently running a marineland 360 canister filter and I've been thinking about changing the filter media. I'm using what came with the filter; from bottom to top: coarse foam, carbon, bioballs, ceramic rings w/ polishing filter pad on top. I've been doing a lot of research on canister...
  22. MidwestReefer

    Using Carbon?

    hello everyone. I was told today at my LFS that I shouldn't/ don't need to run carbon on my tank all the time.. but only when, and or if I need it. My tank is 13.5 gl, 12 working gallons, with 1.5 gl sump, and holds about 10gl after water displacement. im finishing up cycling the tank, and will...
  23. MarineDepot

    Today Only: 10% off Filter Media

    Today Only: 10% off Filter Media Stock up and save on carbon, GFO, biopellets, and more!
The Random Flow Generator® Nozzle by VCA