#fighting conch

  1. michaelcambria12

    New York WTB Looking For a Fighting Conch

    Hi all, Looking to add a fighting conch or two to the CUC in my 16 gallon biocube! Willing to pay for shipping if the price is and/or local meet up in the Westchester, NY /Southern CT area. Please let me know if anyone has any available Thanks in advance!
  2. L

    Can I get a conch for my anemone tank?

    Im having a really bad hair algae bloom in my anemone tank and wanted to know if I could get a conch to help deal with it. I've had issues with my carpet anemone eating conchs in my other tank but this tank only has flower anemones. Would it be okay?
  3. OneMerissa

    Odd conch

    We’ve had our strawberry conch now for about three months. The first two months he stayed above the substrate using his little snorkel to get all the food he needed. Now for the last month he buries himself and we never see him is this normal?? Here’s a picture of him before he decided to go...
  4. N

    Specifics between these two conches

    I was wondering what the specifics were between these two conches. The store has them listed as the same “strombus fighting conch” but says one is suitable in 10 gal and the other 30 gal.
  5. C

    Three eyed - Fighting Conch

    I picked up a Fighting Conch from my local aquarium recently, today I noticed it has three eyes. is this unusual? as the second one I purchased at the same time has two eyes.
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