
  1. B

    Benggai cardinals fight! Now what?

    My benggai are probably both males and fighting each other (fluval 13.5). I moved one into a quarantine 5 gal (not ideal) and need advice. Do I add a female, then reintroduce the third? Or add a female to each tank? Thanks coral friends!
  2. Byrongw

    Clownfish Fighting - When to Return One to LFS?

    Hi all, When will I know its time to give up on trying to get my clowns (Oscellaris, captive bred) to pair? About 6 weeks ago I got a pair of what seem like grown clownfish from an LFS. They came from a tank of 20+ identical clowns and I don't think they are juveniles, seem pretty well grown...
  3. A

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Fighting

    Recently I added in two more fish into my tank, so all up I have: 2 x Clowns, 2 x four striped Damsels (1 new), 1 x Azure Damsel, 1 FoxFace Lo and a Blue Tang (new). Yesterday I noticed my slightly smaller clown attacking my bigger one all day and night and all morning now. It’s been chasing it...
  4. J

    Are my filefish fighting or mating? [VIDEO]

    I bought a pair of "bonded" white-spotted pygmy filefish from live aquaria and they swam together for a bit when I first put them in my tank, but now it seems like they hate each other. The video is of the smaller one chasing the big one, but it happens the other way around as well and is...
  5. mattybecks

    Allardi feeding Ocellaris to anemone

    Pretty brutal. My two Allardi's attacking my two ocellaris clowns. You can see in the video how he keeps ramming him into the anemone. (sorry for the vertical filming, it wasn't me but my girlfriend who took it) I was out the country when this happened. The Ocellaris survived 10 days with this...