Curious to get some opinions on this trachy’s feeder tentacles. I have 6 trachys total but this one has some crazy long feeders. Has anyone seen a trachy like this? Through in a second photo beside a couple other trachys for reference.
I picked up a couple Lobos today from my LFS. Apparently I did not inspect this one very well because after I brought it home I made a few unpleasant discoveries:
1. Receding tissue on about 1/8th of the coral
2. 2-3 mm, perfectly round hole in the meaty portion of the coral
3. Gall...
I was doing some poking around to consider fragging some mushrooms and suddenly the mushroom retracted and shrunk, and seemed to spew these semi clear worm tentacles like things.
Are these worms in the shrooms or the shrooms tentacles?
Thank you all for your support and advice!
So when I got these guys they were extending their tentacles every night for about a week. Ive had them for little more than three weeks and I saw one the other night extend maybe a tentacle halfway. Why is that?