
  1. C

    What to feed Emperor Angel?

    I don’t know how old he is but he’s lost almost all of his juvenile look, only a small portion left. I have been feeding nori sheets and he seems to pick at it. Got him a couple days ago. He also seems to pick at clams and possibly eat most of it. (Haven’t been able to tell yet. I see the meat...
  2. C

    40g breeder tank fish feeding frenzy

    Let me know what you guys think! Just getting started but I intend to post videos regularly and constantly improve. Please subscribe and follow along
  3. michaelcambria12

    BioCube 16 Gallon

    Hi all, New to both Saltwater tanking and R2R I have a BioCube 16G Sped up the cycle with live rock and induced bacteria I currently have: 1 - Clownfish 1- Cardinalfish 1- Yellow Watchman Gob 1- Pistol Shrimp 1- Cleaner Shrimp CUC that consist go six snails and six hermit crabs Two...
  4. CincyReefer07

    20 inch Zebra Eel…how much would you feed?

    Just curious if I’m doing this right. I have a currently 20 inch long zebra moray eel in my 310 gallon. After a week in my tank he’s finally started eating. I fed him a piece of raw uncooked table shrimp. And then 3 days later I fed him a scallop. Plan on feeding him again again tomorrow. I have...
  5. be_ninja_pancake

    Am I feeding my tank enough?

    I have a 15 gal tank with a pair of clowns, 1 yellow goby, 1 pistol shrimp, 2 scarlet leg hermits, 1 Halloween hermit, 2 nessarius snails, 1 fire dart fish, and a variety of corals (1 hammer frag, 6 different varieties of zoa frags, 1 hobgoblin frag, 1 stylocoeniella frag, 1 stylophora frag, 1...
  6. His Coral Highness

    Coco Worm Supplemental Feeding

    Hey all. So I have 3 coco worms in my 16 gallon reef tank that seem to be doing ok, with 2 of them even adding about 1-2" to their tubes since I got them back in November, but they haven't been coming out quite as much as they usually do over the past week or so. Should I be supplementing their...
  7. th365thli

    New Blue Jaw Trigger seems reluctant to eat.

    I have a Blue Throat Trigger about a week in my tank, full grown. I'm not quite sure what it likes to eat. I feed my tank a variety (PE mysis, v2o 50/50, LRS Reef Frenzy, Fish Frenzy, Rods Herbivore feast, various Hikari stuff (mysis, brine, angel mix). I've never seen it enthusiastic or eating...
  8. J

    How often should I feed my reef tank?

    I recently found that I had a growing pod population in my 2 month old reef tank, and the population went from a few hundred to what look like well over ten thousand in a matter of days, and my wrasse loves them. I've also found my firefish, clown, and possibly yasha goby eating them as well...
  9. OldRed1

    Struggling to feed highly reclusive Yellow Watchman Goby

    I have a 25g nano tank. When I first added the YWG to my tank, it actively swam around and posted up on various rocks. About two weeks after adding the YWG, I added two clowns and the YWG's behavior changed overnight. Although the clowns are not aggressive towards other fish in my tank, the YWG...
  10. Afkomjorgen

    Please help me add diversity

    I want to upgrade the food I feed to my fish this year. Please help me add diversity to their diet We had our first fish loss this year, and has me worrying about nutrition. Fish : 2 occelaris clowns (4+ yrs old) 1 orchid dottyback 1 yellow watchman goby 1 cleaner shrimp 2 Turbo snails 2...
  11. R

    Feeding my very active frogfish

    Ok so I have a very active frogfish he swims around the tank more then average frogfish. Will he be burning a lot more energy since he is swimming and should I feed him more? Right now I feed him like 2 pretty small ghost shrimp a day or 1 medium but I never see a bulge in his belly if anyone...
  12. J

    Snowflake eel wont eat

    Just got a new snowflake eel 2 days ago and tried feeding it cut up fresh grouper fillet but it isn’t interested at all. Its a decent sized one over a foot long and thick as a thumb. I read they wont eat when new to a tank but the other 2 snowflakes i had before ate the same day i got them. Any...
  13. reefsaver

    Smallest auto fish feeder available?

    I tried googling "Smallest auto fish feeder" to see what my options are and couldn't really find any threads or articles dedicated to reviewing and comparing the smallest available auto fish feeders for a small pico tank. I'd probably go with an Eheim Everyday Fish Feeder but if anyone knows any...
  14. FilthyFrog-Dog

    Haven't seen my fish eat since I got it.

    So about 6 months ago I picked up a geometric pygmy hawkfish. To this day I've never seen it eat any of the food I've tried offering. LFS I got it from said they were feeding mysis and live brine, which is what I also use in my rotation. The tank is a 20 gallon long that I use that I use for...
  15. Tobin VP

    Invertebrate Feeding Guidelines

    I'm seeking general advice on feeding quantity for some snails, crabs, and shrimp. I have a new 10 gallon invert quarantine tank and just put in the following initial CUC order 5 days ago: 50 Dwarf Cerith 16 Nassarius Vibex 17 Florida Cerith 14 Astraea Snails 2...
  16. B

    How do I feed my snails?

    I know this may sound like a stupid question, but I recently been battling dinos and because of that I've had no other algae in the tank. I've had a low toxic form of it and my snails we're munching away. But I did two blackouts and now there's nothing for the snails to eat. I really don't want...
  17. T

    DIY Coral Food - what do you use, WDYT about my formula?

    Hey folks, Do you create your own coral food? What ingredients do you use and do you see positive effects from feeding your corals with it? Here's my formula created mainly for LPS, but its smaller particles reach some SPS too. What do you think about it, does the ingredients make sense...
  18. ariellemermaid

    Need Help Feeding Mandarin!

    I ordered some fish about 2 weeks ago and the site I ordered from had a great deal on mandarins (we’ve wanted one for a long time now). I’m assuming it’s wild caught (yes, first mistake we know). We ordered some copepods at the same time to beef up the tank’s supply. We knew we’d have to train...
  19. maxemorris

    How do I get my fish on pellets?

    I’ve been feeding my melanurus wrasse, tomini tang, and pair of clowns frozen mysis shrimp for months now (since I’ve gotten them) They will only touch pellets or flakes if they’re coming down right infront of their faces, and they’ll only eat one or two bites and become uninterested. Any...
  20. B

    Do i need to feed my shrimp and hermit crabs?

    I picked up a bit of CUC to clean my tank of diatoms. Do hermits and shrimp eat that? I was told they do but I haven't seen them actually eat any of it. My Mexican grazing snails, conch, and urchin are doing almost all the work. When I feed Flakes I feed just for my fish but when I feed Flakes...
  21. wonderphil-reef

    Can I over feed my blue ribbon eel?

    This may sound like a funny question considering how hard it is to get a blue Ribbon Eel to eat in the first place, but my Eel will eat anything that is colourful enough for it to see and really enjoys Guppies. So will I have an endless breeding supply of Guppies I wonder how much I should feed...
  22. mbarton2010

    How often do you feed your reef?

    How often (if any) do you specifically spot or broadcast feed your coral?
  23. trevorhiller

    Feeding Tomini Tang

    I just got a notice that my my Tomini tang and a Yellow watchman goby from Dr. Reef's are preparing for shipment. I believe they should be arriving next week. I've never had a tang before or any fish that eats nori sheets like this so I'm just curious how often/much you feed them. I ordered this...
  24. R

    Need help feeding Submissive clown

    Hello guys, I got a pair of Clowns from an LFS about 5 days ago. They were looking quite healthy and came from the same tank ( there are probably 100 of them in there). Both ocellaris , larger black one and smaller orange one. Since I got them the black one was attacking the smaller one into...
  25. Yerxi

    Problems with Bubble Tip Anemone

    I have 2 rose BTA in a tank and one of them isn’t doing so hot. I’ve tried giving him clam meat and shrimps, I believe he’s only eaten a small bit of shrimp but it sits on top of him for quite a while so I could’ve missed if a hermit or emerald crab just stole it instead. He had tiny clear worm...
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