
  1. F

    Feeding time poll! What’s your pump strategy?

    Every option is valid it seems, I’m just trying to decide on a feeding method for me. I have Blotchy Anthias and a juvenile multi bar so my feedings need to be often and are automated with an autofeeder. My tank is a Cade 1800 S2/P at 228 gallons. Since I have a reefmat, it’s not the end of...
  2. be_ninja_pancake

    Am I feeding my tank enough?

    I have a 15 gal tank with a pair of clowns, 1 yellow goby, 1 pistol shrimp, 2 scarlet leg hermits, 1 Halloween hermit, 2 nessarius snails, 1 fire dart fish, and a variety of corals (1 hammer frag, 6 different varieties of zoa frags, 1 hobgoblin frag, 1 stylocoeniella frag, 1 stylophora frag, 1...
  3. VanCityReef

    RS Reef Mat Owners: Do you turn off the Reef Mat during Feed Mode?

    Just got the RS Reef Mat and noticed the level sensors on it. When I put my tank on feed mode (using GHL) the water level in my sump rises. Should I shut off the Reef Mat as well as everything else during feed mode? Thank you all for your time and input!
  4. Reef0holic

    Breeding Ghost shrimp (feeder shrimp)

    How do I breed ghost shrimp to feed a fuzzy dwarf? Thanks
  5. phildoingthings

    How much Nori for 1 Tang

    Hey R2R community! Just picked up my first tang (a beautiful juvenile Purple Tang). Seems to be settling into her new home just fine. I just was wondering how much Nori I should feed? I don’t want to over do it and I don’t want to “under do it” either. It’s the only fish I have that eats Nori...
  6. D

    EMERGENCY baby hippo tang not doing well

    I’ve had this blue hippo for about 6 days now. He rarely eats and sometimes swims around. Now all of a sudden he is sitting by this heater at the top of the tank the whole time or sometimes he sits in the same corner and just sits there. What should I do please help lol?!
  7. Phoerut

    Is there any alternative food for Copepods aside from phytoplankton?

    I don’t know if I want to go through the trouble of cultivating or buying phytoplankton, but I want to cultivate copepods. I wondered if there’s any dried food they will eat or an easier/cheap alternative?
  8. C

    Are skimmers counter-productive once corals are introduced?

    So I’ve been thinking a little about this with my establishing a feeding regimen for corals. It makes sense to start a tank of with a skimmer while you have fish and while building maturity, but once you get to that point, wouldn’t the space be better utilized to make the refugium larger? In...
  9. at11ok

    Results of Reef Roids?

    So i just got reef roids and spot fed them for the first time. Im wondering if anyone can tell me their experiences with reef roids? best techiques to reef them? how long until you saw results? if there are any negative results? Anyone willing to show before and afters?
  10. LxHowler

    Can copper sulphate in food damage invertebrates

    So I might be missing something but I thought copper was bad for inverts. I have just bought a new tub of vitalis marine pellets and noticed one of the ingredients listed is copper sulphate. Is this not going to be bad if one of my shrimps tries to eat it. I'm sure it's safe else they wouldn't...
  11. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Fallow, What to feed tank?

    I current have 1 CBS and 10 cerith Snails in my display that I have begun to fallow. I have some Coraline algae in there too. I'd like to eradicate my spionid worms aswell, but in order to do that I'd need to have no food come to the bottom. Another thing is if I have no nitrates...won't...
  12. E

    Coral won’t open after feeding

    So last week I fed my palys reef roids mixed with phytoplankton and ever since then they have not opened back up it’s coming up on the 8th day of this and I’m starting to get concerned, is there anything I can do? Or is there anything I should do?
  13. esther

    What would you do if you were me?

    Curious how all of you would design a food regimen for my tank. I know that there are tons of variables, but assume a perfect world (i.e. nutrient export isn't an issue, home all day, etc). I'm struggling with figuring out how many times to feed, what to feed and when to feed it, how much to...
  14. Perpetual Novice

    Adding unhatched brine shrimp eggs to aquarium. What would happen?

    Everything says to hatch the eggs first then add the live brine a little at a time as food. But what if I want a constant food supply for picky fish. Can I add eggs directly to the tank so they can pick them off as they hatch? I’m thinking of wrasses and filefish in particular.
  15. TangAddict

    Is feeding your coral worth it?

    So I have a 140 gallon tank and every Wednesday I feed my coral reef Roids. But lately I haven’t been feeding them, and have noticed tremendous growth. So do you think feeding coral really works?
  16. Perpetual Novice

    Need advice: Temporarily "abandoning" a simple nano tank in NYC.

    I always seem to post on behalf of my friend in NYC who is a passionate and extreemly enthusiastic novice in the hobby. His job has insane (I suspect technically illegal) hours and leaves him almost no free time. but what time he has is hevily donated to his 4 month old fluval sea evo 13.5...