feather duster

  1. ariellemermaid

    Feather duster Infestation

    My DT has been a challenge from day 1. My ugly stage lasted nearly a year and I’ve struggled to keep nutrients in the tank. Still can’t keep any SPS alive despite extremely stable parameters. Anyway, where I’m at now is that my rocks are mostly clear of algae and I’m thinking towards placing my...
  2. M

    Feather Duster on Turbo Snail

    Help ID this hitchhiker? My turbo snail was giving the Nero 5 a good cleaning and I notice the red glow coming from the shell. Looks like a feather duster but I’m not sure if that’s the actual name or if it’s actually some sort of tube worm.
  3. R

    Thing growing next to feather duster

    Hey yall. I woke up this morning to find this thing next to my feather duster growing on the rock. It looks like a somewhat opaque hollow ball with two tubes growing out the front. Is this just my feather worm reproducing? Or is it something I need to be worried about?
  4. M


    Anyone know what this is? Best way I can describe it is its like a feather duster but without a hard shell around the body, and instead of feathers it’s black worms!
  5. E

    Where do I place my feather duster worm?

    Where do I put this guy?! This guy ended up alone in my QT because it was bulldozed by my turbo snails, who vacuum my entire substrate every night. They broke its tube and feathers, and has now started to put himself back together after a couple of weeks in the QT. I didn't realize it would be...
  6. H

    EMERGENCY Feather Duster Fallen and Can't Get UP!

    Hey Everyone, I recently picked up a feather duster at my Lfs last week. Last night I noticed the worm was crawling out of the shell and this morning was on the FLOOR in the corner!. I am running a IM 14g Peninsula where the worm is placed in the bottom left corner beneath the overflow. In...
  7. ariellemermaid

    Aiptasia or Feather Duster?

    I don’t have a picture at the moment, however my question is whether aiptasia can ever emanate from a white tube structure similar in every way to a vermitid tube, but white. I recently put a new coral in QT and I identified 2 aiptasia’s, however, there was another similar thing emanating from...
  8. D9ohsoar

    Feather Dusters attached itself to Coral

    Hi all, I am new to Reef2Reef and happy to be here. After trying to find the right place to ask this question, I hope I found it! I have a feather duster explosion. One in particular has grown in size and decided to make its home right in my coral. It is beautiful and I am not mad he’s in my...
  9. F

    Baby feather duster?

    After looking at some other post I'm am almost sure it's a feather duster. I would just like some more experienced reefers to help me out if able. It moved like a worm with a feather duster tail. And the tail looked white and red when I looked closely. Sorry for the bad pic.
  10. S

    Is this Aiptasia or Feather duster?

    1.Is the first picture is of aiptasia or feather duster? 2. I am seeing brown/reddish film like layer on few few sand areas and also on the GSP. Is this cyano?
  11. adamlodge14

    Hitchhiker on lobophyllia

    Hi, I bought a new lobophyllia today and after drip acclimating it for 2 hours, popped it into my tank. After about five minutes a flowery thing popped out of the side of it, is this a feather duster? If so are they harmful or not? (Btw I dipped the coral for five minutes in aqua forest protect dip)
  12. KMCA

    Needing cycle advice

    I bought a live rock for a tank I was starting and have discovered 4 tiny feather dusters living on it (about 1cm across when feathers are extended on the largest) This is my first tank so aside from the live sand and rock it hasn't had a chance to establish itself, I'd rather not lose them but...
  13. jmNoles

    Feather duster?

    Assuming I've got what looks like a feather duster worm on the underside of my superman ricordea. Is this the case? Safe to leave there or should I remove it?
  14. Schraufabagel

    Sea stars with shrimp and feather dusters?

    I’ve been considering a serpent or bristle sea star. Does anyone know if they’ll prey on sexy shrimp or my feather dusters?
  15. Adam1985

    Feather Duster/Tube Worm Getting a Haircut

    Hi all, I’ve noticed from time to time my tube worm/feather duster (calcareous variety, white/red fan) seems to get a “haircut.” It’s happened several times, and the worm seems to grow them back quite quickly. I assume something is doing this; there is a peppermint shrimp that hangs out...
  16. C

    Dual dusters

    It’s been a while! I recently returned from the store to add two feather dusters to my sole duster, as I was on my way home the feather duster left it’s home and now shares a tube, is this normal behavior?
  17. O

    Tube / Feather Duster Worm Mesh Bubbles

    There is this bubble mesh on a medium small feather duster just below the tube worms opening. I assume the feather duster is doing this but was just wondering if anyone knew for what purpose? I’m just curious. I was almost thinking it was scaffolding because it was planing on rapidly expanding...
  18. O

    Threads / bubble mesh below feather duster

    There is this bubble mesh on a medium small feather duster just below the tube worms opening. I assume the feather duster is doing this but was just wondering if anyone knew for what purpose? I’m just curious.
  19. zachSalty

    Feather Dsuter Help

    I got a feather duster from my LFS yesterday. It is not quite 24 hours old. While drip acclimating and throughout the ride home the crown was out. The worm it’s self is not out of the tube and he has looked like this all the time (see picture). I tried spot feeding him this morning and he didn’t...
  20. B

    Feather Duster Invasion or The start of Aiptasia!!

    I was about to do a water change when I saw these guys in the back of my tank. I need to be certain if this is aiptasia as this is not to be taken lightly if untaken care of it will over run my tank. If they are feather dusters I will leave them alone. The tank has been up and running about 2...
  21. D

    Feather Duster Location

    Hi everyone. I just added this feather duster to the tank. Is this a good location for it. Does it seem like it is flowing well?
  22. Schraufabagel

    Tube Worms (specifically Coco)

    I have Reef Roids and Red Sea AB+ for coral feeding. I am getting Reef Nutrition's Phyto Feast for feeding any filter feeders. I am also getting Oyster Feast for general feeding for fish, inverts, and corals. I plan to get a few regular and dwarf feather dusters. My question is, can I house a...
  23. Pharmasqueek

    I need the scientific name of this feather duster!

    Hi guys I need some help. I'm trying to get my LFS to order a special variant of feather duster for me, but the only kind available is Sabellastarte Spectabilis, which is just the typical large Hawaiian feather duster. I don't know if this duster is just a color variant of purple and gold/...
  24. raphgiroux

    Cleaning a dirty used tank

    Hello there, I just bought a 4 yo tank, there is literally thousands of feather duster tubes in my corner overflow box, onto AND into the pvc pipes. How can I wash them off safely for my critters?!? Got a couple yards of PVC plumbings lolll
  25. New2Reefn

    EMERGENCY Is my Welso in trouble?

    Has anybody ever come across a feather duster living inside a brain coral, I have had it 3 months and it is thriving with the exception of an unexpected hitchhiker. Up until the last couple of days all has looked great now the mouth closest to where the fan pops out is looking a little ballooned...
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