favia problem

  1. I

    My favias are never open.

    About two months ago, My favias started to close up. nothing changed (parameter wise) and they just closed and dont seem to be doing well. they still have their color, but I dont see any tissue expansion, not even at night. I dose with kalk in an ATO, niTRATES are 5, Calcium 400, alkalinity 8dkh...
  2. JennyH3

    Favia dying

    What is going on with my favia coral - it seems to be dying from the middle. The dying section still opened to eat today. I’ve had it for 3 months from LFS.
  3. L

    Favia Tissue Receding/Showing Skeleton - Fixes and Cause?

    Hey everyone! I recently purchased a favia colony and frag as the first additions to my Waterbox 20. I have experience with other tanks that are thriving (except phosphates that are too low haha). I only have two favia species in my other tank, a dragon soul and one unidentified. They are both...
  4. Razorp

    What is growing on my favia?

    This is my first and only Favia. It has been in the tank for over 6 months now and was one of my first corals. There was a time where it was not doing very well, but I finally found a spot in the tank that it seems to love. It’s bigger, brighter, and fluffier than it has ever been. But since I...
  5. JohnRiv

    Favia Help

    I have a 20 g reef it's been running for 3 months now, I got this dragon soul favia a month ago and it's been doing great, a little over 2 weeks ago this little thing started to appear out of the favia, it's been getting a little bigger but no ill effects so far, I was wondering if someone knew...
  6. JohnRiv

    Help Identifying this thing coming out of my favia's tissue

    I have a 20 g reef it's been running for 3 months now, I got this dragon soul favia a month ago and it's been doing great, a little over 2 weeks ago this little thing started to appear out of the favia, it's been getting a little bigger but no ill effects so far, I was wondering if someone knew...
  7. JohnRiv

    Help Identifying this thing coming out of my dragon soul favia's tissue

    When I bought the favia it showed very healthy and still is healthy, but about three weeks back this little thing started to apper and it has gotten a little bigger. It also seems to be coming out of the favia's tissue. Any ideas on what it might be, if it's harmful to the coral or not?