eye damage

  1. S

    Not sure what happened to royal gramma. Eye injury of some sort.

    I’m not sure what happened. I noticed today that my Midas blenny was gone. I eventually found my Midas blenny had passed and was already pretty much all gone. I had kind of seen this coming as he kept getting skinnier and skinnier even though I was feeding him daily and everyone else was happy...
  2. F

    Eye infection targeting only angelfish, anthias, and rabbitfish?

    Hello all, I manage the saltwater section at a LFS here and have been having some issues with eye infections that seem to be targeting only specific species of fish and I am wondering if anyone here may have experienced anything like this. Rabbitfish, anthias, and angelfish seem to be the only...
  3. LabyrinthCorals

    Juveline Blue Tang Eye Issue

    Hey everyone, Overnight my juvenile blue tang seems to have either gotten a nasty infection/disease of some sort, or injured himself (or both). I did notice slight discoloration and redness near the eye last night but nothing like this. The outside of the eye seems to have peeled upwards...
  4. Wen

    Juvi Emperor with puffy eyelid

    Looking for opinions on how address a juvi emp with a puffy eyelid. General Tso is my favorite fish and I’ll go the extra, extra mile for this guy. Here’s the story: Treating all my fish for velvet currently. Emp was in Qt ramping up copper power slowly for 10 days when I noticed him not...