equipment cabinet

  1. Awesome458

    Monster Build Can the necessary equipment for a monster tank fit in the cabinet?

    Hello, I’m in deep thinking mode on my dream tank and I wanted to ask a cheeky question… I’m looking at a tank somewhere between 500 and 650 gallons and either 12’ or 14’ in length, 30” wide minimum. Here’s my challenge: I do not have the space in my home to dedicate a separate equipment room...
  2. kiswanson

    Baby proofing aquarium cabinet

    i was baby proofing for our 1 year old and found a very nice automatic hidden magnetic lock for the door on my Red Sea aquarium cabinet. Use a magnet to unlock through the door. Vmaisi Adhesive Magnetic Cabinet Locks Vmaisi Adhesive Magnetic Cabinet Locks (12 Locks and 2 Keys) If you are going...
  3. McJaeger

    Build Thread McJaeger's Red Sea Reefer 250 (Pic heavy!)

    Hey everyone! I figured I'd start a build thread for this new tank I just started, seems to be what all the cool kids are doing these days :D. I've been keeping aquariums for around 10 years now, most of which have been freshwater planted tanks. After running a few high tech tanks I decided that...
Reef Kinetics