
  1. S

    Reef safe clear epoxy coating resin.

    Hello. I was wondering if anyone knows of a reef safe clear epoxy. It can even be a clear casting epoxy. Like the stuff used to make crafts and such. NOT epoxy glue to hold corals or rocks together Thanks!
  2. Ernst Haeckel

    Nuked my tank with epoxy- A cautionary tale with a happy ending

    So, I'm relatively new to the hobby, I have 32 biocube that's about 2 years old. My livestock includes 2 ocellaris clowns, a spotted mandarin, 2 damsels, Mexican turbo, bunch of blue hermits, a coral banded shrimp, and a lot of corals. I didn't know anything about aquascaping when I first got...
  3. Ernst Haeckel

    Accidentally nuked my tank with D-D epoxy - A warning to reefers with smaller tanks!

    Accidentally double posted, not sure how to delete this. Please see other post https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/nuked-my-tank-with-epoxy-a-cautionary-tale-with-a-happy-ending.860107/
  4. ssunthar

    To use the flag plug in the reef or not?

    Hi Experts, the frag plugs are good in placing/holding the frags in place on the rocks in the tank but in many cases it doesn't enhance the beauty of corals growing naturally on those rocks (this is my personal view only). Is it a good or bad practice to always remove the frag from the plug and...
  5. Damdeno

    SPS Colt Coral Detached from Epoxy

    Hello community, So I decided to adjust my water flow a little bit yesterday And this morning I wake up and see that my Colt Coral has flipped over from where it was and has detached itself from the little epoxy mount I had in place for it. So I right sided it up and put it back as the bottom...
  6. TheAngryReefer

    Epoxy resin

    Is epoxy resin safe in our aquariums? Is there a certain brand or type that is safe? I see a lot of cool resin projects done. It would be interesting to know if we could use this inside of our aquariums safely.
  7. Aqua Splendor

    2 Part Epoxy and Corals, long term relation?

    Hello here what I have: It's a 2 part Epoxy and I would be curious for those who are "expert" in that domain. I was thinking to "cook it" for a little time once I finish what I have to do, any though? Thank you
  8. Tristan

    Epoxy Paint or Marine Coating?

    Hey everyone. I’m building a stand for a tank I got a while back and I’ve been trying to see how to get a similar quality feel to something such as the Red Sea Reefer Stand. So far, I’ve found out that the doors are epoxy coated, but doing that in a home setting would take a lot of materials and...
  9. ZoWhat

    UNDERWATER GLUING - best method to get it right the first time, every time

    You have your coral growing nicely on a frag plug on a frag rack.... now you want to permanently glue the frag disk/plug to your LR. But this requires UNDERWATER gluing bc the LR is aquascaped....so its impossible to remove the LR. You keep failing bc: * frag disk wont adhere to the LR bc the...
  10. ccurnick

    Epoxy/Sand Bottom.. best of both worlds? Can it be done?

    Has anyone had any luck (long/short term) with creating a false bottom out of epoxy/sand to reap the benefits of bare bottom while maintaining the look of sand?
  11. K

    Using Epoxy as a Shelf?

    Hello folks, On my way back from lunch I was wondering... What if I could use a large amount of epoxy to create some type of "shelf plateau" for coral placement? I never heard of anyone doing that, and maybe there are people out there doing it. I just wonder if you have any input on this, if...
  12. BangedUp

    Rock to glass

    I’ve always used epoxy and glue to make my rocks sturdy but I want to put my newest art work to the bottom glass, should I use epoxy or superglue ?
  13. BangedUp

    Cube Build Advice, think I nailed it first try 32cube aquascape

    I think I nailed it first try, is that even possible? Now I took lots of pics but should I also epoxy and glue pieces that I can to make sure I can get it back this way in the cube?
  14. BangedUp

    Cube Build Rock to glass ?

    Has anyone tried to epoxy or glue small pieces of rock rubble to the tank glass to support corals that need to be separate ..... also directly to the bottom glass for rock stability in the build of a new aquascape and which product was successful, gel or 2 part epoxy
  15. izzyishh

    Aquastik Epoxy

    So who has used Aquasik epoxy/putty? Has anyone used this long term months to years with out anything falling apart? I just finished creating my aqua-scape with dry rock and this stuff holds amazingly! I also put tons of Extra thick supper glue from BRS in any crack/crevasse to make sure nothing...
  16. Psi

    Question about managing epoxy effect on skimmer

    Happy New Year all! I recently bought a few turbo snails to help with some algae. Having heard they can be rough on aquascape (bulldozer, I believe was the term), I decided to reinforce my rocks with some WaterWeld epoxy. I used enough that my skimmer freaked out. I have read several...
  17. M

    Aquascape with TLF Stax rocks

    Hi, I ordered 80lbs of Two Little Fishies Stax Rocks and I try to find the best way to blue them together. not in one big block but in bunch of few piece to make them stack like lego blocks. I plan to glue them dry then, cure them for maybe a month or two. I found many product that could do...
  18. joekool

    Monster Build Kool Reef DIY 687 picture heavy

    Hello all, Remodeling my tank from 210 to 428 display with a total volume of 687 gallons after Live Rock. I wanted a new thread for the remodel heavy with pictures and videos. Gathering all my stuff together for the build. and will post as it goes. Expanding the stand I have because its...
Top Shelf Aquatics