engineer goby

  1. chemicals

    Experience with engineer goby (Pholidichthys leucotaenia)

    Hi all! My lfs has some juvenile engineer gobies and I did some reading and would like to get a pair of them. I wanted to see how some of y’all experience these fish, are you happy with them or did you wish you never got them. I have most of my rocks sitting on the glass so I’m afraid that they...
  2. Engineer goby

    Engineer goby

  3. polyppal

    Let’s see your Engineer Goby’s

    Size matters when it comes to Engineer Goby’s. They grow long like an eel to a purported size of 12”! I’ve had mine for about 6mos and got a rare glimpse of him today. Looks like he’s up to about 6”! Very impressed to see his growth from the little 1” baby I purchased him as. Lets see the...
  4. 99gtbaby

    Adult Engineer Goby thread

    Just wanted to show my adult engineer goby, feel free to show yours too
  5. W

    Puffer eats on Engineer Goby

    So I looked over and saw my puffer with a large portion of my engineer goby hanging out of his mouth. I know puffers eat smaller fish but the goby is pretty big.he didn't even eat him, just munched on his tail for a while and then let him go, now the goby looks like he'll die soon... What the heck??
  6. L

    50 gallon cube stocking

    So I’m probably getting a 50 gallon cube soon, and this is my planned stock list It’s going to be a SPS dominated tank, it’s going to be mainly classic SPS like Bali greens and pink millies. -Comet aka marine betta (too big?) -algae blenny (too hungry? Will it irritate the corals) -sankey or...
  7. Zoa_Fanatic

    Engineer goby gone blind

    My engineer goby is going blind. It started all of a sudden and it’s not effecting my only other fish (a four strip damsel). He’s is literally methuselah. Hes around 18” long in my biocube 32 and that we know of (who knows how old he was when he was bought) he’s 10 (at least, we can’t remember...
  8. Zoa_Fanatic

    Engineer goby blue eyes

    My engineer goby just popped out to eat and his eyes are blue. I’ve never noticed this before I’m pretty sure they were black. What does this mean? Is he hurt or sick?
  9. Zoa_Fanatic

    Engineer goby health and lifespan

    So I have a biocube 32 led with all stock equipment and the following parameters: ammonia-0 ppm Nitrite-0ppm Nitrate - 15 ppm pH-8.0/8.2 (kinda colorblind so cant tell) so I’ve got a massive, and I mean massive, engineer goby named kashima (18-20” long). He’s going on 7/8 years old (my dad got...
  10. Zoa_Fanatic

    Stocking question?

    Hey guys. I have a biocube 32 led. The only fish I have are a 2ft-ish long engineer goby and a 3” long four stripe damsel. I want to add a royal gramma. My question is will the gramma be ok with those two or will he bully/get bullied? My engineer is a sweetheart named kashima but Oswald (my...