
  1. S

    What are these marking on my clown fish HELP!!

    So today I noticed that my pair of clowns have this pinkish marking on the same spot on top of their back could this be a sting from the torch they are hosting ?? Or should I be worried
  2. B

    Emergency help on toadstool!

    I have no clue what’s happening to my toadstool and I’m very worried thought it was shedding then this started happening polyps have been coming out but I just don’t know what’s happening witht the white stuff?
  3. BamaCoastPyrat

    EMERGENCY Harptail blenny in QT laying on ground

    I have an ORA Harptail blenny in prophylactic QT that looks like it is almost dead. Seachem badge shows no ammonia, nitrates tested at 6.8 last night via Hannah colorimeter. Slowly raised copper to 2.5 over the span of about 10 days and we are on day 9 of copper. Last night I added my third dose...
  4. M

    Starfish dying? please help

    Hi all! I’ve had my marine tank for around 2 years now and i’ve never really had any problems (accept my clown being agressive). Around 2 months ago i decided to buy a red starfish for my tank. The starfish settled in nicely and had been doing good, moving around freely, climbing up the glass...
  5. B

    EMERGENCY Help please I can’t figure out what’s wrong

    My return pump keeps putting in these micro bubbles and I can’t figure out how, the pump is fully submerged in the return chamber and is hard plumbed in. All my plumbing has glue on it and I turned off my skimmer and every other rice of equipment and it kept making the bubbles. I’m very close to...
  6. Qwarex

    URGENT! Jebao pump not working properly

    So today in the morning (yay) I was woken up to the pump (jebao dcp-5000) not working properly (pulsing and only to 8%),it makes a rattling sound and it says on the controller er05 (error 5), which means "abnormal voltage from input", could it be the adapter? I unplugged and replugged...
  7. E

    Banggai behaviour concerning (see Video)

    Hello y'all, so this weekend we rip cleaned our tank. Everything went according to the protocol and I can say that the tank never looked that pristine! The inhabitants are, so far, only two clownfish, two banggai's and the CuC. Everyone was doing well in the QT where the waited for us to clean...
  8. TheTruTaric

    Dart goby floating strange, been like this for a week or so

    my favorite fish for the past week has been swimming strangely, i felt it was flow but after turning off the flow i realize its something wrong with him, he's been eating well! please help me!
  9. X

    EMERGENCY My Chocolate Chip Starfish

    Hi, I’m completely new to fish tanks and today I acclimated a Chocolate starfish for about an hour. Adding some of the tank water to the water that was in his little baggie and he’s now just chilling in one spot and I don’t see any of his little fingers. I’m worried about him. Is he okay? He’s...
  10. M

    help me with my marine tank please! need help!!!

    Hi everyone, i really need some help with my marine fish. i’m a new fish keeper but i’ve had this tank for about a year now and have never had any issues. i have no corals in my tank. everything seemed fine until saturday night, when my cleaner shrimp passed away on the rock. i removed him but...
  11. M


    Hi everyone, i really need some help with my marine fish. i’m a new fish keeper but i’ve had this tank for about a year now and have never had any issues. I have no corals in my tank. But saturday night my cleaner shrimp passed away on the rock. i removed him but still couldn’t understand how...
  12. Nate Chalk

    HELP Emergency- Labored breathing, lost blue tang

    I just came home to a mess. Blue tang (super healthy) found dead, Clown fish labored breathing, inverts fine, coral fine, and Tomini Tang fine but swimming into powerhead which is abnormal. The only thing I changed schedule wise was the addition of Sea Klear phosphate remover dose which was 4...
  13. leilanastasia

    EMERGENCY - Bacteria bloom in ESTABLISHED tank

    I don’t know what happened but I did a water change yesterday on my tank, I removed one of my longtime live rocks for a couple smaller rocks to give my fish more room to swim etc. how in the world do I fix this. My tank is 10 months old. One of my fish died overnight and I had just done one more...
  14. S

    EMERGENCY Realized my clip has been rusting and leaving metal in my water

    How should I treat my tank? The metal rusting piece is likely aluminum and I just found it today when my new mexican turbo hasn’t been latching to anything. I just added chemipure elite today but is there anything else I can do?
  15. J

    EMERGENCY Dinoflagellates/dino battle

    I have a fluval evo with protien skimmer, activated cardon, ceramic and filter floss set up with stock light however I have been battling a dinoflagellates/dino problem for what feels like months. My water parameters are below: Amonia -0 Nitrite - o Nitrate- 0 - 5 Phosphate - unknown as kit...
  16. Trouble1375

    Meat Coral

    Not sure what happened. I had a beautiful 10" Meat Coral in my 125 for about 6 weeks - no major changes from week to week for testing. No changes in flow or lighting. It was huge and puffy and in the last 2 days it has basically melted down to the skeleton. Towards the end of last week we...
  17. P

    EMERGENCY Need help fish is extremely skinny

    Need help I noticed my tang to be extremely skinny and it doesn’t want to eat and it keeps flopping over, is there anyway to get it to eat or is it pretty much a goner? Any help or suggestions would be very appreciated, just noticed it today
  18. Samanthabea

    Help asap please amonia nitrite and nitrate spike

    So here's the story I had a amonia and nitrate spike a few days ago did a 20 gal water change in my 55 gal(had added snails and 5 macro algae plants) and dosed with prime levels went back down amonia 0 nitrate 10 2 days later just tested again now my levels are as follows ph down to 7.4 amonia...
  19. A


  20. jjschno

    Green BTA eating a chromis

    In my aquarium I have recently added a school of green chromis to add to the mid water column of my tank, but one wasn’t looking to hot and it started to do the thing we have all come to hate. It started to lay on the rock work and try to swim but couldn’t and I knew he wasn’t going to make it...
  21. BranchingHammer

    Ich or velvet on hawk fish?

    Hi everyone, I purchased a hawk fish and a springer’s damsel around two weeks ago, and I put them in a 20g QT tank with a sponge and power filter. There is also a power head, PVC pipe elements, chaeto, other sponges for bio media, and ceramic bio media in the tank. They ate fine for the first...
  22. B

    Wrasse Can’t Swim and Is lying down.

    I have a 6 lined wrasse. I have had him for about a month. He got ich and I treated it and he was doing fine! He was eating swimming actively and being a fish. Until today, I woke up and noticed all my fish were out and he wasn’t he was hiding in a rock and he looked stuck so I moved the rock a...
  23. N.Sreefer

    Sump keeps breaking siphon overflowing my display

    I have a eshopps 1200 HOB overflow that broke siphon this morning overflowing my display I unplugged my pump and restarted the siphon and now it nearly outpaced my 1500 GpH jebado dc pump the 5000 model. I had it running perfect but now I’m afraid it’ll screw up when I leave for work in 2 hours...
  24. B

    Need advice ASAP , hammer coral hanging off skeleton

    So just came home and seen my branching hammer almost completely out of its skeleton, just hanging on by a thread. He looks OK and was fine yesterday. Whats going on? Should I remove it and glue it to a plug or rock? It's one of my prized corals I really don't want it to die! Any advice?
  25. brodyquinthooper

    Clownfish lying on the bottom and gasping

    I just did a water change and now my clownfish is lying on the bottom of the tank gasping. The other fish seem fine. Does anyone know what I can do??
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