
  1. EliMelly

    Brown Jelly Disease??

    Hello, I recently bought a torch from an online vendor and it came with a very short base that cracked when trying to attach it into the tank. I just looked at the torch and saw this brownish slime near it. Can someone please ID and let me know what to do? I have other corals that are doing...
  2. Elit3klutz

    Filter quit

    I have or well...had...a tidal 55 but it decided to retire at 9:30 tonight. I have two wave makers in my 40 gal breeder and it's two clowns and a small C.U.C ...will that suffice until I can get to the store tomorrow morning? I know in a fresh water tank I could put in an airstone but if the...
  3. B

    20 Gallon high phosphates and coral help!

    Hello, I am wanting to hear from some experienced reefers and get some advice on how I should approach this situation. I have noticed in the last 2-3 weeks small changes to my zoanthids, chalice, and overall look of my tank. Specifically, zoas seem to have a few heads close or barely open...
  4. NewCaliCaptives


    I’m having some really weird stn issues going in in my tank. It’s a 10 gallon and has been going good for a couple weeks i’ve been having some really bad tissue loss on some sps and some lps that i have no idea what it is or what to do to treat. 1.025 sg P04 0.00 (hanna phosphate ULR) NO3 8.0...
  5. H

    EMERGENCY Sick dottyback

    I need advice! I got this dottyback a few weeks ago, and I saw some white patches on its side yesterday! Above its anal fin looks weird too. I just put it in a spare 5 gallon, and am planning on using kanaplex with 90 percent weekly water changes. Is this enough? Any idea what the cause is? This...
  6. F

    Foxface ill?

    Had this fox face in my 75g tank been fine up until about an hour go this has happened any advice or is he going to die he's laying on the floor panting
  7. Linoss17


    I started to notice some of this clear white stuff growing on my rocks can anyone tell me what it is?
  8. S

    Help IDing ich vs brook

    Can someone help me determine if this is ich vs brook? Long story short, I found what I thought was a good deal on a kole tang and added it to my reef. All seemed well at first but now I've noticed a few spots on its fins which spread to all over its body. It seems to have infected my orchid...
  9. Matt Bravo

    Hammer skeleton deteriorating

    I really need help, I noticed small things that were sticking out of the hammer so I decided to dip it. That’s when I saw the skeleton was starting to look different then last week. Please I really need help, it looks great but this is really worrying me. But at the same time it’s growing a new...
  10. Herbie's Reef

    Bristleworms killing my cuc!!!

    I have not seen either of my turbo snails roaming around in a while. Well today I found a dead turbo with some sort of bristleworm in the shell. The other turbo is now missing and so is one of my two trochus snails. Below is a photo of the worm which I beleive might be a fireworm? Is there any...
  11. Tobin VP

    Possible Brown Jelly Disease on Hammer Coral?

    A few days ago I got this Green Tip Branching Hammer and it is currently in a Coral/Invert QT with 6 other coral and some snails/crabs. After dipping it he opened up nicely (see photo). Yesterday afternoon (a couple of days later) I noticed a portion of his head was retracting. Upon closer...
  12. NewCaliCaptives

    HELP ID - BJD or something else?

    Happy easter everyone! For a couple days i’ve noticed 2 little brown spots on the tips of one of my chalices. This chalice was somewhat abused, didn’t know why he was doing so badly and then i saw my pistol shrimp come out and shoot him twice right in front of me. He’s not doing so hot, losing...
  13. Gretchacha

    Whitefish roe from WholeFoods for clownfish that won’t eat

    My clownfish in QT hasn’t eaten in over a week and is getting weak. I’m desperate to get something in his belly. My WholeFoods has whitefish roe processed only with salt that I can get tomorrow. Any thoughts on this as a food to get him eating again...
  14. L

    Is my seahorse dying?!

    Does my seahorse have gas bubble disease? I noticed he is having trouble hitching into things and he is struggling to stay submerged. What should I do?
  15. FlyPenFly

    Life Support - When the Power Goes Out and other Emergencies

    I've recently been doing a lot more research into power outages as I stock my tanks with expensive torches. With severe weather events and fires only increasing where I live, I think it's prudent to prepare for when the lights go out for extended periods or if I need to evacuate for a number of...
  16. L

    How do I stop my coral from bleaching?!

    My favia (i think) has been bleaching. I moved it to lower light to see if that was the issue but it hasn't gotten better. Please help! I've had this coral for years.
  17. rsriramtce

    Clown fish of different breed fighting.

    Hi all I got 3 clownfishes. Two of same King and one of same breed but different variant. But the different breed clown is fighting always with the other one. I have kept it separated in breeding box but still the clown is fighting from outside. It’s been 15 to 18 days since I bought...
  18. L

    Why is my favia bleaching??

    My favia has been rapidly bleaching. I first noticed it yesterday
  19. Reeflix

    help! anemone missing and tank smells!

    i got a black widow nem recently and i was really happy and didnt move around much, i went on vacation for a week, i came back and it was missing and the tank smelled like death... i thought it got sucked up in the filter but i did a 20% water change (15 gallons out of a 75g which i believe is...
  20. fullinfusion

    HELP!! need advice on water paramerters what am I doing wrong?

    I seriously need help here, i was trying to raise the calcium a week ago and was getting nowhere. The dosing calculator told me to dose X amount of X solution and test later. I tested and sure enough calcium went up to 420-460 through out the dosing period, then things went south FAST! I...
  21. O

    How Do I Remove Return Pump RedSea MaxS-500

    A small firefish was in my sump and got sucked into the return pump. How do I safely remove the RS Max S Main 7000 return pump and clean it?
  22. L

    Help! What's this slimy stuff on my goniopora and alveopora??

    This stuff hasn't seemed to get better or substantially worse. What can I do to make it stop? It seems to get worse then better then worse again.
  23. C

    4 DKH Alk swing last night- now what?

    What I believed happened was that a few weeks ago before I realized it was low, my Alk kept dropping from the 7.5 range I normally keep it to about 6.8, presumably because it was sucking out the very last drops of fluid. Like an idiot, I then increased the default output to try and mitigate that...
  24. R

    Fish tail is white

    Hi guys my fish has a white tail now and it looks very odd and I'm worried.
  25. D

    Mushroom went through powerhead

    A new neon green hairy mushroom frag I got took a trip through the power head and got shredded. It appears the middle of it is gone, and it’s just a ring now. Is there any hope for it?