emerald crab

  1. JaFish720

    Parasite on emerald crab

    Any ideas what this is. It doesn’t move and I can’t scrape it off. Just got him from the store
  2. K

    Is it Jake or Carl?

    Ok. I need your opinion on this because my family is totally confused on this one. Back in February, we had a lively emerald crab named Jake. He was pretty large fella and would actively walk around at night in my 36 gallon reef tank. I also had a red brittle star and for a long time they were...
  3. M

    Emerald crab nipping at torch?

    Do emerald crab nip at torches are night? I took some pictures. I thought they were reef safe? Anybody have this issue before?
  4. CallMeLloyd

    Little "bugs" on emerald crab

    Got an emerald crab from a LFS yesterday and just noticed little "bugs" crawling on him. What are these things? See video
  5. MaraRavenous

    Please help my poor Emerald Crabs....

    Hey everyone, my aquarium has been very healthy and happy for some time and shows consistent improvement... For everyone but my Emerald Crabs. They don't ever seem to shed, have been dropping limbs, and their shells no longer appear bright and green. They are some of my longest cared for reef...
  6. Gonj


    Bubble algae issue is getting way out of hand, I’ve got 6 emerald crabs in a 50 g display (90g system) and they haven’t made a dent. Manual removal isn’t really an option most of the rock work is covered in coral or fused together with putty making it way too large to pull out. I try to scrape...
  7. CCMoto

    Killer pistol shrimp?

    So I have a pretty decent sized pistol shrimp paired up with a goby and all has been good...other than knowing exactly where they burrow cause of the pile of sand that hides them lol. But I got an emerald crab along with a few other additions today. Just an hr after adding them I found the...
  8. Dinglehopper

    Emerald Crab Releasing Eggs

    Tonight as I was walking to my desk I noticed my clown going crazy and a bunch of white things floating in my tank. I finally found the culprit, an emerald crab releasing her eggs into the water column. I was able to get a short video of it, unfortunately after most of the eggs had been...
  9. Dad2Wyatt

    Is my emerald crab likely dead?

    I added an emerald crab (along with a turbo snail who is an expert level hider) 2 days ago to my tank. The crab immediately went under a rock and stayed there for a couple days. Last night after lights out I went back and checked In the hole and it was still there and moving within the hole...
  10. mikemathis555

    Emerald Crab too big?

    I have had an emerald crab in my tank for almost 3 months now. He is generally a good tank mate, and has good personality. He does great on the algae on my rocks, and even solved a Bryopsis outbreak I had. The problem…he is molting about one a month, and is approximately 2-3 times larger than...
  11. A

    What killed my wrasses?

    Hey guys so I recently purchased a wrasse as well as a new CUC I brought Scarlett hermit crabs, a cleaner shrimp, blue leg hermit crabs, and a couple snails. Now I have a emeral crab from my last clean up crew and the emerald, cleaner shrimp and blood fire shrimp all hang out on and in the...
  12. twhit030

    EMERGENCY Emerald crab imposter

    I haven my year old 40 breeder all sps reef tank an emerald crab (or so I thought). My corals have all been doing very well for the first 11 months. This past month I’ve noticed the slow death of 2 very nice corals, 1 being a bubble gum digi and the other being some no name acro. I came home...
  13. Y

    Red emerald crab?

    Hi all, I got this from the local fish shop they said it was an emerald crab but red and it happens some times. Just thought I would post some pictures for opinions? The shop have a very good reputation so hoping they are right.
  14. Eyezik

    Mixing Crabs

    I have been wanting a Decorator Crab for the longest time, but I had a hitchhiker emerald crab on a rock I bought. Would it be safe to mix the 2 or will they fight eachother?
  15. R

    CUC Help

    So question! After tank cycling. I’m looking to get 1 Emerald Crab 1 Cleaner Shirmp 1 turbo snail tank size 24 gallon No corals just Rock Sand substrate will do 10% weekly water changes. Would this be adequate for my tank?
  16. Jordan Wright

    Bubble Algae Issue

    hey so i have noticed i am getting a bubble algae outbreak. I was re-arranging my aquascape and figured i mine as well go on a hunt and pick all of it off with tweezers since i took my rocks out, and i heard if you pop it in the water it will cause it to spread even more. It was all gone for a...
  17. 1stborn4coral

    Emerald Crab missing

    Hey Everyone, So I got an Emerald Crab last weds 2/17. The first day I put him in he was out and about for about a hour, then gone. I haven't seen him since, is this ok or should I have seen him again by now? Not super worried but figured I would ask.
  18. 3

    Hole in emerald crab claw

    Was wondering if anybody had any idea why our new emerald crab has a whole with black/white coloration in one of its claws? We just bought her and came home and noticed it. She’s in quarantine. Thanks!
  19. 3

    Confirming Emerald Crab (also what’s this black/white hole in the claw?)

    We bought this “emerald crab” today and just want to confirm whether or not it is actually an emerald crab because it is not green like most of the pictures online. We were thinking that maybe perhaps because it is juvenile that it hasn’t turned green yet. Also when we got home we realized that...
  20. Z

    EMERGENCY Was my blenny attacked or is he sick?

    I have a 100gl tank- 1 red lip blenny, 3 emerald crabs, 3 clown fish, 1 CBS, 6 nassarius snails, and a dozen or so hermit crabs. Saturday- Got my blenny, he looked great. After a few hours of having him it looked like he was swimming up to and laying next to the CBS as if asking the shrimp to...
  21. taymarie

    Emerald crab bug?

    I have an emerald crab who always seems happy. He has already molted once like two months ago? I haven’t seen him for a few days and today I found him stuck to a rock. On further inspection it was either a molt or he’s dead. I’m not quite sure. I have a ten gallon with two clowns and some frag...
  22. Sleeping Giant

    My 75 gallon video

  23. mclaurin

    Evening Emerald Entertainment

    Guess he needed his temperature taken!
  24. Alyssa.Weber

    I think my Emerald crap took a chunk out of my toadstool leather

    I just picked up an emerald crab for my 10g nano and I have so far one toadstool in there. After checking up on him, i noticed he was crawling on my toadstool that was previously opened and now all shrunken up. I also noticed a tiny chunk of my toadstool missing. I am so mad!! I love my little...
  25. Sleeping Giant

    Emerald Crabs breeding last night

    Just saw my Emerald crabs mate and release, what looked like eggs into the water column. Don't mind the cheesy music
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