eheim jager

  1. JayFish4004

    Eheim Jager acting up

    I have a 75W Eheim Jager heater coupled with an Inkbird controller - its been working fine for the last 7-8 Months - but I woke up this morning to the Inkbird alarm saying it got up to 80 degrees when it has never done that before (usually dialed in between 78-79). About an hour ago I turned...
  2. DownByTheReef


    This isn’t my first rodeo with saltwater. I left the hobby a few years ago. However, my love for saltwater aquariums has returned! I’m excited to begin a all new journey with new plans and goals. The hobby has grown quite a bit since my 29gal biocube In 2015. With all of the new gadgets coming...
  3. Petrichor

    Winter heater advice for 24 gallon saltwater

    I need some advice on heaters for a new, still cycling, 24 gallon saltwater tank. Right now I have an older Eheim Jager 75w heater, but I'm not sure it will be enough for the tank for winter. You see, I previously lived in the SW United States and never had to use a heater on my saltwater tank...
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