
  1. QuothTheRaven

    Feather Duster

    I have a few feather dusters that came in with my live rock and I love them, they have some sort of growth around the openings of the tunes, does anyone know what this is? I've only been doing this hobby for a short time and I don't even know what to accurately call it to look it up. An algae or...
  2. F

    What are these eggs

    Hey all, Not sure if this specific matter belongs in here, but I need an Egg ID. Came back from work to see a stringy white substance covered in eggs coming out from the zoas right near where my Damselfish and Clownfish live/host the anenome. Just wanted to see if anyone could tell me what they...
  3. J

    what is this eggs ? or something else 20x

    bought this coral a few days aggo and noticed some wierd things on this plug if someone has a clue let me know :D
  4. Lemons

    Eggs??? Or weird skeleton growth

    Hi all, a few days ago i noticed some weird bumps on my torch coral skeleton… i thought nothing of it until the emerald crab i tossed in (who likes to hang out under said torch) has what looks like it on his carapace as well… i cant tell if it’s spreading on the torch skeleton itself. i spent...
  5. 813Reefs

    Harlequin shrimp with eggs?

    Hi everyone I’m wondering if my female has eggs here a picture
  6. Idaknow15


    Spotted this this morning any ideas? Thinking likely snail eggs?
  7. Idaknow15

    Eggs? Sponge? Other?

    Hi all, Spotted this tonight on the “dark side” of my tank and no idea what it could be?! Looks like a spider egg sack but I can’t find anything similar online to tell me what it could be. Just wondering if it should stay or go but it’s on one of my lowest rocks so will be a faff to remove if...
  8. wvfeefkeeper80


    I’ve reviewed and searched for an answer but haven’t successfully located what I’m looking for. I purchased a number of frags and a cabbage rock from my local shop. I noticed, what I thought, was bubble algae on a frag, but when I went to manually remove it, I found the spheres to be very firm...
  9. S

    Anyone know what could have spawned this??

    I have a long spine urchin, tuxedo urchin, various hermits, emerald crabs, snowflake eels, and file fish.
  10. S

    White spots?

    I just noticed white spots on the rock and snail right by the rock? I’m assuming some type of egg but i don’t really know? It’s just in that spot i haven’t seen it anywhere else in the tank.
  11. ChandlerTingle

    Nassarius Snails Eggs

    Can someone identify if these are eggs?
  12. debby

    eggs under a dead piece of coral - id ??????

    Found this while cleaning out some hard coral skeletons. any idea?
  13. walloutlet

    what the heck IS THAT!

    So I came down stairs to stare at my aquarium while on a Zoom call and ran across this white squiggly looking thing on my glass. I’m assuming some type of eggs from something but I do not know what. Any ideas?
  14. kkircher

    Egg identification?

    I woke up this morning and saw these eggs on the glass at the end of the tank. I originally thought it was snail eggs because of the concentration and seemed like in an line. Then I started looking over the entire pane of glass and saw them everywhere. So I started looking over the entire...
  15. C

    Help ID eggs on Glass

    Hi there, We just got a saltwater tank a few months ago. It is up and running with fish now and we noticed these weird eggs on the glass. I scrubbed them off but they keep coming back. Are they a parasite? Or some type of snail egg? A small baby snail has been found so it is possible some snails...
  16. M

    Eggs... what the heck are they?!

    Hey guys, pretty new to reefing but I have an Semi established tank, I think it’s been like 4-5 months since I started with Tampa Bay live rock. But I looked at the glass today and saw something hatching? I didn’t see these eggs yesterday or last night but there seems to be little “sprouts”...