
  1. Mattc123

    Mexican turbo snail eggs?

    So I came home to see two Mexican turbo snails thrashing around on top of each other on the glass and thought, huh that's weird, and 30 minutes later this is what I see. I'm assuming these are Mexican turbo snail eggs? Can I expect them to hatch?
  2. J

    Curvy White Object Identification Request

    Hello, Just noticed this today. Any idea what this could be? Should I remove asap? Total size is about 2in wide 2in tall. Thanks
  3. O

    Hard, egg looking things on zoa.

    Hard, tiny things all over zoas. They come off as strings when pulled. They do not seem to move at all. Among them was a small grub like animal that was ~2mm in diameter and had a see through body. It looked like a tiny shrimp, I could see two black eyes. Wasn't able to get picture. Also, red...
  4. R

    What are these? Eggs, snails or what?

    I found these on the bottom of a ceramic plug rack that was on the sand. You can see a frag plug hole in one of the pictures. There seems to be a dark spot inside, it's not moving and one popped when I tried to flich it off
  5. R

    Snail Eggs or Pests??

    Hello, I just noticed these hard, egg like things on one of my rocks. They seem like brown, curled, hard eggs. They don't seem to move. I have some bristle worms in the tank but they don't seem like bristle worm eggs. CUC isn't eating them because I've had these for a bit now. I just had a ton...
  6. treebear87

    Is this a torch spewing eggs?

    Hi all! I’ve been watching this torch today because it looked fine in the am then at about 2pm it looked super whimpy and was releasing a clear mucus with white dots in it. The fish were trying to eat it so after doing a brief web search I decided to turn off the pumps etc and stand guard...
  7. mirarose

    Clownfish cleaning rock, eggs soon?

    I have a pair of clownfish that are at least a couple years old. Female is about 3 inches. The male has been vigorously cleaning a rock the past few days as well as twitching near the female. Do you think they'll lay eggs soon? I have a rotifer culture and a small tank set up ready for fry. Are...
  8. yanni

    Weird egg things

    Just noticed these hanging off my Zoas today. Tank has been fine, I’ve got 10 trochus snails and 2 clowns, zoas, and an elegance. Found 1 aptasia and a majano which I’m dealing with, just in case that could be the cause. If you need parameters, let me know!
  9. S

    Anyone know what could have spawned this??

    I have a long spine urchin, tuxedo urchin, various hermits, emerald crabs, snowflake eels, and file fish.
  10. juarec0201

    Red and white eggs on torch

    Hi, This is my first time catching eggs on a new frag. I have a heavy euphyllia tank so makes me nervous and don’t have a hospital tank. I scrapped as much off as I could and dipped. No worms noticed. But there is 2 different kinds of eggs. Red and white. Should I keep dipping and scraping ...
  11. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Wrasse and eggs

    Now I have just bought a marble/checkerboard wrasse about 3" long. I'm not sure if I have enough pods for him to munch on. Now, I have spionid worms in the sand that I think I've seen him peck at. Today is the 2nd or 3rd day I have him. I was wondering does the wrasse/.wrasses like to eat cerith...
  12. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Cerith Snail Mating?

    So, I've just come across something weird today. So at the beginning of the day I see a cerith snail riding on top of another cerith snail. Just now, I saw it again...This time on the front glass just before I went to turn my room lights off for bed. Just wondering, are they fighting? My...
  13. T

    ID Red Growth / Egg on Coral Base

    I purchased this blasto during World Wide Coral's anniversary sale two weeks ago. After one week I noticed a red egg / growth appear on the base of the coral. The egg / growth in question is round, large enough to stick out from the base of the coral slightly, and has a small white thing...
  14. Joseram95

    Clownfish spawn issues.

    How are you all, I’m just new to the world of clownfish breeding so I had couple of questions. first my clownfish started spawning like 6 weeks ago, this is by far the third time spawning,( however they all without success) so I discovered, when the female lay the eggs, somehow they’re not the...
  15. M

    Who laid these eggs?

    I have: Bumble Bee Snails Fighting Conch Cowrie Stomatella I have cerith and nerites as well but I know what their eggs look like. The only fish it could be is a single starry blenny but that doesn’t seem right to me
  16. S

    Hitchhiker worms / eggs ?

    Could anyone ID these eggs all over the base of this coral? / in other picture it looks like 2 antenna or worm or baby serpent star under the other coral? Any help appreciated! I only have LPS and Softies in this tank, no visible signs of flatworms on glass.
  17. Radreefer

    Anemone looks like it has eggs in tentacles!?

    Hi guys! I have something strange going on. My BTA looks like it has clusters of eggs inside it’s tentacles. I recently got this anemone and and hadn't noticed this at first. This is the only BTA in my tank. I’ve attached pictures of the mystery spheres for reference. The few things I found said...
  18. theocorals537

    Wyoming White clownfish spawned!

    Ive had this pair of clowns for about 8 years, i love them as a pet. they have been going crazy at the rocks for a while now and i always thought it was algae they were after. i looked today and saw the male cleaning a big patch of eggs under their rbta! will they hatch in tank? i always dose...
  19. Alyssa.Weber

    What are these white dots?

    These little white balls just appeared in my tank I noticed them this morning. Anyone know what they could be?
  20. littlemacros

    Is it releasing eggs??

    Cant sleep and was just looking at my nightstand pico tank. I have quite a few of these little chitons (I think?) in my tank. As I'm watching my tank just now I see one releasing what looks like eggs. Anyone know more on whats happening here? Are they fertalized you think? I'm curious what their...
  21. LxHowler

    How do I get nassarius snail eggs to hatch

    I have just seen that my nassarius snails are laying eggs in my tank and I was wondering what I need to do to get these to hatch. I know that my fish will eat alot of them but they have laid some in an are my fish can't get too, the gap is too small for the fish to get into, so they should be...
  22. littlemacros

    Will all these eggs hatch?

    So my two pro escape artist nerite snails decided to lay eggs about two weeks ago...all over my tank. Literally on the rocks, the pumps, even on my beloved turbo snail, Vagine. Most of the egg sacs on the glass have been developing it seems. I say this because when they were first layed they...
  23. littlemacros

    Is this an egg sac on my glass?

    Sorry this post is all over the place. I found this thing on my glass last night and decided to take some pictures today. Any guesses would be great. When I lightly poke it contorts then whatever is inside goes back to a full circle...what could this be? And is this a hydroid? It looks like a...
  24. LxHowler

    Cleaner shrimp eggs

    So I was feeding my tank earlier and noticed one of my cleaner shrimp looks like it has eggs attached to it, I was wondering is there a way to tell if they are fertile or if they will survive. Also if they hatch how likely are they to survive. I believe one of them has just molted so it might...
  25. Castaway6

    Collecting clownfish fry from display tank

    Hi, quick question about the process. I have the vossens larval trap and plan to raise my first batch of clown fry. When I shut off all equipment the night of hatching, do I need to have a bubbler/air stone blowing over the eggs for the couple hours at night? Or just leave everything how it...