
  1. Chalice City!

    For sale North Carolina Chalice City!

    We might be located in the Queen City, but you might as well call it the Chalice City with all the FIRE Chalices that we have on our site from budget pieces like this Pink Chalice and QCC Magma Chalice to collector pieces like this Jellybean Chalice we've got something for every collector at...
    $24.99 to $499.99
  2. spiraling

    Show me your chalice dominant tanks!

    Hi all, I have been in this hobby a while and am always mesmerized by chalice. But oh boy they can take up real estate. I have a 35 gal I'm setting up and am thinking of chalice dominant. Maybe a few other corals to fill in around, but the main focal will be several chalice. Does anyone...
  3. Renelope

    Echinopora dying?

    Bought a Green Eyed Blue Monster Echinopora Coral off live Aquaria about a month ago, he doesn’t look good right? Can he be saved? This is my first time buying plating type corals, I bought a pachyseris and a monti at the same time, and they seem fine. Pachyseris is at the top of my tank...