
  1. F

    Red Sea Max E-170 Back Sump Refugium VS Tunze Refugium Reactor

    Hello, I am thinking of using the InTank E-170 media basket and the Innovative Marine AUQA Gadget refugium light to create a refugium in the bottom media basket of my back tank sump on my Max E-170. Has anybody ever done this? If so, I would love to know your thoughts and any photos. OR I...
  2. Taxus812

    Build Thread Terrys Red Sea Max E170 Build thread

    Here we go. I started my tank build before getting to R2R but I did make a log of what was going on so I can do a bunch of catch up posts until I get current. Some of this is in my introduction so I am sorry about the repeat information Background of what I want and how im going about building...
  3. Wrasse-cal

    Tank suggestion needed

    Hello, I've been struggling to decide what tank to purchase, because I keep thinking I can find exactly what I want. I hope the good folks here can help. I'm strongly leaning towards the Red Sea E-170, but it's not quite what I want. The (ideal) tank I want: 24x24x24 true cube (or 24x24x20...