So I got his dyno problem, and kinda of let it go a little to long, is it ok to clean all the rocks and sand bed in one sitting or will all the debri from the dynos floating in the water column be toxic to the fish or coral?
Is this dynos or something else I cleaned the sand bed and the rocks from a huge agar bloom and now it’s doing this a few days later I’m getting a uv sterilizer in two days and I’m trying to get rid of it for my nem tank?
I was wondering about this and never seen a thread that adressed this issue.
If i get a frag from a tank that is known to have cyano ou dyno issues, are they going to be transfered to my tank?
I've started seeing these bubble-like algae in my reef. The tank's been running for approximately 10 months; 20 Gallon w/ mixed corals and a clownfish. I've had bubble algae in the past, and this doesn't seem to be the same - it more seems like the algae are growing over air bubbles. I've tried...
I keep getting cyano over the rocks and gravel of my softie tank and I’m trying to find the cause of it. I’ve tried running dr Tim’s re fresh and waste away and it comes back within a few days. I’ve added bacteria. I’m just looking for input on what I should do.
I have about a year old 20 long...