
  1. S

    Is this Aiptasia or Feather duster?

    1.Is the first picture is of aiptasia or feather duster? 2. I am seeing brown/reddish film like layer on few few sand areas and also on the GSP. Is this cyano?
  2. watkinsmd

    Dino ID

    Hello Everyone-- I'm hoping I can get some help in identifying and getting rid of an annoying pest in my tank. I think these are dinos but would like to confirm. Been battling this for a year now. First it started out as snot on my rockwork but that's now cleared up after significant effort...
  3. Tadpolesreef

    Cyano, Dyno , or my coraline coming back?

    Hello reef2reef community , in the diatom stage of the cycle (hit one month). bringing an old tank from the dead with cycled live rock that ran in an established tank for roughly 5 years. Did my first water change after a couple diatom spots started creeping up. Diatoms are now gone but for...
  4. R

    Brown *stuff* suddenly appeared and kills! Please help identify it / microscopic pictures

    Dear users, Suddenly out of nowhere my aquarium is covered with brown stuff. Snails died, and corals - especially polyps such as greenstar (which has been very thriving before), and zoa are retracted and seems to be very stressed as it is all covered by that brown stuff. It can be dusted off in...
  5. Perpetual Novice

    Are delicate corals physically delicate or just chemically sensitive.

    I was wondering how gentle I need to be when handling/touching my Acropora and Montipora. I'm dealing with some red slime (i think its dynos but maybe cyano) and I don't want to use chemicals to knock it out given the many SPS in the tank. however, because of that, I frequently need to manually...