
  1. DooDeeReefer

    Yasha goby dying suddenly before my eyes, please help

    Please help!! I’m new to reefing and I’ve had a small yasha goby for 28 days now, he’s been in qt and was doing very well. Yesterday he seemed a bit lethargic for his pm feeding. Then ate some food and immediately spit it out and started breathing hard. I checked the water. Temp 79 ammonia-0...
  2. badstorm48

    All fish dying but corals are still healthy

    I’m having an issue. So, about 2.5 weeks ago I bought a new fish a small clown tang to put in my 65 gallon reef tank. In it was a tribal blenny, clown fish, blue tang, 3 chromis and fairy wrasse. So the clown tang was doing fine he was eating and swimming but noticed ich pop up tried lowering...

    Tank in crisis

    came downstairs yrmesterday to find a white translucent film covering many of the glass surfaces circulation pumps and many of the fish aling with a nasty smell Did a water change if 20 % Fast forward to today Film recurs Goni dead, starfish dead , nutibrwnch dead, pigmy Angie dead Sailfin...