dying lps

  1. R

    Is my Acan Dying?

    Happy Sunday All, I have had no luck with Acans, first one was eaten by a so called peppermint shrimp ( later id as a camel). Decided to give it another try as I love these beauties. Started off with placement on the bed and was doing great, then gradually moved up to my live rock (still on...
  2. alexytman

    Elegance dying.

    I have had this elegance for only 2.5weeks. however it's been looking bad since a week in. My numbers are 0 for nitrite and ammonia 5 to 10 for nitrate Alk around 8to9 Cal and mag is also within range pH 8.1 Why? Another observation. My small gsp colony is also not opening too much. But I...
  3. Elgringodiablo

    Mysteriously Dying LPS

    So... For the past few months all of my LPS corals have been dying in two of my tanks. I cannot for the life of me figure out what is happening. I've lost thousands of dollars worth of rare hammers, torches, elegance corals, gonipora, chalices and acans. The acans have been dropping heads...
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