dying fish

  1. M

    EMERGENCY All of my fish and coral are dying

    Every fish in my 60 gallon (20g sump) has died besides my melanarus wrasse. I had a pair of pink skunk clowns, mandarin goby, lemon peel angel, coral beauty, powder tang, clown tang (both tangs were under 4” and would have been transferred to a 200g that is being converted to salt now)...
  2. flakychips

    EMERGENCY Chromis suddenly greying, blackening, swimming vertically :(

    Is my Chromis dying? :( New reefer here. Quite upset by seeing ourChromis blackening / greying and possibly dying. It keeps swimming vertically in the same area and not sure what to do. It has lost a lot of colour as you can see from the first picture, the streak of blue you see is all that is...
  3. R

    Banggai Cardinal fish sleeping(?) On sand.

    I got this guy 6 days ago and he has been swimming around and not eating, which I figured he was stressed or had eggs in his mouth or something. I'm feeding HIKARI BIO-PURE Spirulina mysis and brine shrimp twice a day. My two baby clowns are doing fine and so is my cleaner shrimp and corals. But...
  4. Leon821019218

    Fish are dying and I don't know what to do!! :(

    I'm kinda in a panic mode right now... My tank has been running for almost a year and since the start it has been doing quite well. But over the last week my fish start dying off at a pretty high rate. Little backstory, july 11 I did a little rescaping in my tank. I bought a few pieces of dry...
  5. Reeferburns

    EMERGENCY Please Help!! I don’t wanna lose this fish!

    My clown has been acting weird and swimming like his back fun doesn’t work at all. I put a flash on him and noticed white coloration on his back fin. It doesn’t look like ick. Im going to put a video in. Please help. Should I do a fresh water dip?
  6. J

    Melenarus Wrasse Broken Jaw and Lethargic with Spot

    Hello, I have a Melenarus wrasse that unfortunately broke it's jaw (or something) about 7/8 months ago. He can't close his mouth at all, and has basically lived just accepting he doesn't really have a job to do, but he has always been an active swimmer. He breathes hard. Constantly. I imagine...
  7. SurfTrack

    Firefish Currently Dying - please help me

    Hello. Fish RARELY die in my tank. I have a 90 gallon red sea mixed reef. No dangerous or aggressive fish. Its been up and running for over a year and is flourishing. I purchased two small firefish last week and added them to my system with proper hour long drip acclimation. I even managed to...
  8. R

    Fish swimming weird

    Earlier this week I lost my coral beauty. Now my strawberry pseudo chromis is showing almost identical symptoms. I’m starting to think they have a type of disease. Can anybody help me, and what should I do to keep my other fish from this. Also my fish isn’t normally in a glass, I just put him in...
  9. jackalexander

    EMERGENCY YWG Looking Really Bad

    Currently treating my YWG for a bacterial infection with Metroplex. He’s been in the QT for about 2 weeks now and everything seemed to be going great until tonight. Got home to feed him and turned on the lights to see a zombie looking fish. Super pale, brown stripes across his back and a brown...
  10. Z

    EMERGENCY Was my blenny attacked or is he sick?

    I have a 100gl tank- 1 red lip blenny, 3 emerald crabs, 3 clown fish, 1 CBS, 6 nassarius snails, and a dozen or so hermit crabs. Saturday- Got my blenny, he looked great. After a few hours of having him it looked like he was swimming up to and laying next to the CBS as if asking the shrimp to...
  11. C

    EMERGENCY Dying fish, I believe he had 2 diseases brooks and velvet

    Hi, so my fish is sick, he is a clownfish. He is breathing heavily and has recently stopped eating. His color is looking much better than in the past. I have been treating with copper for a little over two weeks but he hasn’t fought it off yet since my ammonia got a little too high. It is under...