dying bta

  1. E

    Need help from a BTA expert

    long story short. I was gifted this beautiful BTA when my tank was only a month old (his name is Rubble.) It somehow managed to survive every cycle crash, salinity swings, nitrates sky high, being hand fed HUGE pieces of Krill shrimp 3x a day… The works. We are about 5 months into our journey...
  2. BelleReef

    Almost Dead BTA treatment progress

    My first rainbow BTA started out beautiful, but quickly declined over 2 weeks to the point where it was barely attached to a rock. I decided to treat him with ciprofloxacin according to @OrionN protocol (link below). Cipro treatment for anemones is hotly debated, so I’m going to post it’s...
  3. dryza

    Dying BTA? Lost it's tentacles... Please help!

    Hi Everyone, First time poster, however I've been using the advise and expertise of R2R members for about a year now. I got a BTA for our Nano tank about a 3 months ago and it did great for the first 2 months, but I had some lighting and water chemistry issues about a month ago and that's when...