dwarf angel

  1. L

    Centropyge flavicauda

    hi guys, what's your experiences with this fish? there's barely anyone talking about them and i would love to hear your experiences. my lfs got a few specimens in and i'm curious how reef safe they are my tank is 3ft x 2ft x 2ft and currently houses a corazon damsel, neon goby, royal gramma...
  2. damsels are not mean

    Any experience with Biota's CAPTIVE coral beauties?

    Wanting to gauge the reef-safeness of captive coral beauties. Since they are tank born and raised, they will never have seen a coral before nor known it as food. Biota says they won't pick at corals unless they are poorly fed. I love what they are doing over there but I don't buy it :D. If...
  3. marisp127

    Coral Beauty Angelfish

    I am thinking of adding one of these to my display. Trying to get advice from people who have (or have had) them in their tanks. My two biggest concerns are that a) the angelfish will pick at my corals or b) will be aggressive towards the other fish already in the system (clownfish, lawnmower...
  4. Biota_Marine

    Livestock Brand New captive-bred Hybrid Angelfish and Captive-bred Comets

    Alright y'all, We have some crazy angelfish in stock right now. The newest addition to our availability is the Nebula Angelfish or the Xanthotis X Griffis Angelfish Hybrid. These came in looking amazing and no two look the same. These are some of the rarest angelfish in the world since their...
  5. Biota_Marine

    Livestock New Hybrid Angelfish and Captive-bred Colin's Angelfish

    Hey y'all, I just updated the site with 2 new offerings: The captive-bred Colin's Angelfish is rarely found in the hobby but is a nice bright yellow and blue angel. I only have 2 of these available so they'll go fast! https://shop.thebiotagroup.com/products/colins-angelfish I also have a...
  6. Sam816

    coral beauty treatment with copper power

    Hello fellow reefers, Need guidance regarding how to treat my Coral beauty with copper power. I have had this coral beauty in my QT for 2 weeks now. It is showing white spots on its body and tail. Colors are still bright and clear with no hazyness or mucus like coat on it. I observe her closely...
  7. Biota_Marine

    Livestock Massive Website update WYSIWYG Crocea clams, Captive-bred Goldflake angelfish, Captive-bred majestic angelfish, captive-bred binnate batfish!

    Hey y'all, I just did a massive update on our website where I added 100 WYSIWYG Crocea clams. Each one of these is incredibly cool and unique from each other. In my opinion crocea clams are the second easiest clams to house in home aquaria right next to derasa clams. Put them in medium to high...
  8. 3C83DA97-CA43-4EDB-91B4-8168A3DB7A77.jpeg


    Pygmy Dwarf Cherub
  9. Reef Dog 29

    Blenny Question

    Hi everybody, I have a Tailspot blenny in my 29gal biocube with a Clarkii CF, Lemon peel Angel, and a newly added Flame Hawkfish. Before I added the hawkfish, everyone in the tank was fine and very visible. Ever since the addition of the hawkfish, I have not seen the blenny out in the open and...
  10. L

    Fish list. Help needed

    Hello do you think that the percula clowns (the 2 that I already had wich are aggressive eaters) Will be able to deal with more aggressive tank mates like the long nose hawk fish, coral bueaty angelfish, and a few cromis (the other fish are the rest of my fish list). And do you think having more...
  11. Eva Rose

    Butterfly and Angel Advice

    Thinking about adding some diversity to my tank. I am interested in: ** Roaps butterfly (like Declivis etc.) **An angelfish (flame, potters OR multibar). I would like to know which dwarf angel tends to be more peaceful. I do love Copperbands, but think my tangs and triggers might make one...
  12. LB Dantzler

    Help picking out new fish

    My wife and I have a 55 gallon fish only tank. So far we have a pair of clowns, a blue spotted puffer, and a pair of cardinals. We had a flame angel but she started going after one of the cardinals so we took her back. Now were in the market for another fish or two to complete our tank. With...