duncan advice

  1. R

    Duncan looks weird, spaghetti like strings on base

    I just came back home and noticed this, is that normal? My parameters are normal and haven’t changed. Thank you:)
  2. NomadicReefer2

    EMERGENCY Duncan tissue recession - Yellow ring around dead area; bugs; white egg looking things

    I recently began noticing an issue with my Duncan coral. It has been a little more closed up than normal but not much. on the side skeleton area of the duncan there is a bit of tissue recession. There is a open patch on the upper section that is surrounded by a yellow 'rim'. Where the skeleton...
  3. SelkieSam

    Help- Duncan coral suddenly not extended

    Hi! I have had this Duncan coral for almost a week and it has been doing well. I just checked my tank parameters this morning and made no adjustments today since everything was good. It was happy all day but when I just looked again it has no tendrils extended, mouth is open, and I see this...
  4. liddojunior

    New head or Pest?

    I have this Duncan coral that has been forming bulges. And overnight they have cracked open/caved in. I don’t know if this is how Duncans grow new heads or it’s some sort of burrowing pest. the brown tissue within the cracks doesn’t give much confidence
  5. R

    Duncan looks weird and twisted

    Hey guys! This morning when I came down my Duncan looked all weird and twisted as picture shows. Moved those two hammers that’s above it to that location a few days ago but it should be enough distance for them not to bother the Duncan! Any thoughts? Thanks!
  6. SaltyMermaid86

    Is this brown jelly on my duncan?

    I woke up this morning and my duncan was closed and had this covering it. It was fine yesterday. I've been in the hobby less than a year so I'm not sure what to do about this. Pull it and toss it? Is it gone? Can I save it? If so, how?
  7. M3rmaids

    EMERGENCY Help! Is this normal for a Duncan?

    Picture Attached! I just got a Duncan a week ago, first few days he was doing great. But yesterday it completely closed up, today it’s tentacles are completely retracted and it’s mouth is open. Is it dieing please help. Water parameters are all in check, only 10 point down on calcium so I...
  8. R

    Duncan's wont open fully

    So for the past 5 days my Duncan's have just been angry. Color looks good, flesh is fine and not receding, but it will not inflate/extend fully. I DID have to move it about a week ago, but it was open for a few days after just fine. Literally only moved it about 2 inches. Just got it to a...
  9. TheXpander

    Alk question - some general guidance please….

    Hi all, I have a 40 g sumpless system running a canister filter. The canister is mostly filled with Matrix and has some floss for general waste capture. I’ve recently upgraded from FOWLR to starting with some corals, upgraded the lighting to a Kessill A160 blue. Current stocking is 2 clowns...
  10. Saskdevil

    Let's see your Duncan Corals!

    Fairy new to the hobby and recently purchased my first Duncan and I'm loving it! They are reactive, they have beautiful colors, appear to be peaceful and even are a good clownfish hoast. I'd love to hear people advice, experiences, and photos!