dragons breath

  1. rr07

    Macroalgae ID?

    There is this Macroalgae growing on my trochus snail and I was wondering if someone could ID it for me? The snail came from a tank filled with Dragons Breath so it might be that but it doesnt look like it so I’m not sure. It’s the short red algae growing on the sides, kind of looks like spikes...
  2. SomeHappyFish

    I want to add a Dragon's Breath, how fast does it consume nutrient ?

    How quickly would it use up phosphate and nitrate? My tank is at 0.03ppm phosphate and 18ppm. 45G total
  3. seafansar

    Live Goods SOLD Black Widow Anemone

    Black Widow 6”- 8” when open - Local Pickup $225 or $250 Shipped
  4. Dad2Wyatt

    USA WTB ISO dragons tongue or a similar macro algae to put in my DT

    Just wanting some beneficial color in my tank
  5. PocketClam

    Catseye Turbos

    I noticed a few local stores starting to carry these and they seem to stay pretty small, just a bit bigger than a trochus (maybe smaller than some of the giants at that). My question is, do these smaller turbos still eat macroalgae like their larger cousins? I mainly keep halimenia and...
  6. leotigris

    How toxic are frogspawn and zoa corals?

    I’m new to the hobby and my tanks been running for about a month. It might be too early to start thinking about corals but thought I’d do the research. I have a pair of clowns and looking for something that may host them, anemones seem require more experience in the hobby so I’m looking at frog...
  7. George Villasenor

    California WTB Dragons Breath Macro Algae

    Looking to buy dragons breath/tongue or interesting macro algae.