
  1. personwafish

    I didnt know this about red dragonettes

    Pictured is my plain ole red dragonette, She’s really great eats just about anything you give her. I can usually see her visibly changing color shades its a beautiful display truly. I had always wondered what she did at night after scouring the rocks all day, and tonight while observing during...

    2 dragonettes in a 90?

    Have had my mind on getting some dragonettes sometime soon, is it alright to get two different kinds? Like one of the green spotted ones and a red Mandarin? And would they be ok in a 90?
  3. Peach02

    How many copepods for 2 mandarin fish?

    Essentially I've finally found a source of live copepods in Australia and I was wondering how many I should order to start a population large enough (in refigiym) to feed 2 mandarin fish in the DT (up till now have been using frozen copepods and other foods with mixed success) I can order...
  4. BonelessEvil

    need a couple IDs

    first, I thought this little guy was a blenny, but now I'm thinking it's a male spotted Dragonet. Correct? 2nd, while he never stressed out my female Green Mandarin Dragonet, the Mandarin died. Could it be possible that he and her lowered the population of copepods in the tank and therefore...
  5. Ramiro Casal

    Mandarin fish in my 20 Nuvo fusion gallon tank

    SO today I got a mandarin in my nuvo 20 gallon tank and added some copepods from the trigger pods brand I was just wondering how long will it be till i have to add another batch as I am worried my boy will starve. He is doing fine and he has eaten a couple off the wall already , also if you have...
  6. G

    Preparing for life with a Mandarin

    Hey guys, posting in relation to my 2.5 month old 55 gallon reef tank. Just to give an idea of stability regarding water params, the tank is faring well, and so far Heliofungia and some other sensitive LPS corals are doing well, signifying to me a constant, stable ecosystem.. My fish seem quite...
  7. Dalton Hunter


    So I have two dragonettes and they are both very fat and happy and eating live brine when I stock the tank every week. I want to stock the fuge with pods just they so they have a constant supply of something they like ( I like to spoil my babies ). Hooked on reefs has a free shipping sale on...