dragonets mandarin gobys problems help

  1. D

    HELP! Now-Juvenile Mandarin keeps getting pulled into C2C overflow

    Hi all! For a little background, my boyfriend has been planning his reef tank for about eight years (he even chose his apartment in the city he lived in before we met so it could sustain a 400 gallon reef tank). After a 29 gallon gift, 100 gallon tank COVID project, we now have a 100gal tank...
  2. M

    Will my mandarins kill each other

    I have had a mandarin goby for six months that I trained to eat pellets and frozen foods right now it’s probably around an inch and it is female. I recently bought another mandarin online where I asked if they could send me a male but when I got it it turns out it may be a female since it too...
  3. N

    Two dragonet's one tank

    So I am relatively new to saltwater aquariums, but one of my favorite fish from the time I was a kid was the mandarin goby, I have read just about everything out there about them (dragonets) and researching them off and on for 6months to a year and I have my copepods population up and vary...