
  1. Reef_Tanks

    Royal Dottyback Missing???

    I purchased a royal dottyback and a six line wrasse in my tank along with some tangs and clowns i had in there before i added those 2. Noticed it went quick to hide as did the six line wrasse I bought it friday and maybe seen it saturday and haven't seen since I was told they go into hiding for...
  2. BodhiReefer


    My neon dottyback is laying on a “bed” of gha and I’m wondering if it’s anything to worry about. This new behavior began about a week ago on a rock that has some gha growing on it and I’m just wondering if anyone else has had this happen.
  3. oceans garden aquaculture

    Livestock ❤ dottybacks!

  4. JeezeReefs

    Blood Red Hawkfish

    So today I added a Blood Red Hawkfish to my current Nano system. He’s really small and a good size for my tank. However.... I’m worried about aggression.... I currently also have an Orchid Dottyback in my tank and i’m wondering if I just brewed the perfect situation for disaster... It’s still...