
  1. H

    EMERGENCY Sick dottyback

    I need advice! I got this dottyback a few weeks ago, and I saw some white patches on its side yesterday! Above its anal fin looks weird too. I just put it in a spare 5 gallon, and am planning on using kanaplex with 90 percent weekly water changes. Is this enough? Any idea what the cause is? This...
  2. Cole_Voeller

    Dottyback Aggression

    Hello all! So a while back I got one of my dream fish, a super young springeri dottyback. Super cute dude, aquacultured, love him. I quarantined him with a Flametail blenny, and introduced the two together into their tank. A couple of times the flametail has chased the dottyback off, but other...
  3. GetReefy

    Dottyback digging?

    We have had our dottyback for a few months and he’s always stayed in a little cove and swam throughout the rockwork. Today we noticed him going under a rock and digging it out and spitting the sand toward the back of the tank. Is this typical behavior for a dottyback?
  4. R

    Six line wrasse? OR, some type of dottyback?

    Hey guys and gals, I’m looking at setting up a 10g frag tank and am considering one fish along with some snails for algae. The fish for pests. I’m leaning towards a sixline turbos and hermits, but, I also like dotty backs specifically the Arabian and orchids. The main “pest” I have is bristle...
  5. Cole_Voeller

    Dottyback Fins Shredded?

    Hello all! So yesterday I purchased a fish I’ve been wanting for a long time, a baby Springeri Dottyback. I also purchased a Firefish (with the assumption that the Dottyback would be too young to be aggressive to the adult Firefish. Anyway, I put the two into a bucket last night after I got them...
  6. Modge

    What happens when you take 4 kids to the LFS to pick out fish for your new reef upgrade?

    Love my kids - love my tank. So yesterday I scooped up my kids (4, 6, 10 & 11 years old) to the LFS for family fish-a-palooza. I had a solid idea on how I wanted to direct them and what fish would end up in my new 110g upgraded reef. Most of my solid ideas become mushy - especially when my...
  7. C

    Ring eye dottyback with firefish?

    I was wondering if anyone has experience with ring eye dottybacks and if they would have issues with a fire fish or barnacle blenny?
  8. stewie

    Short Notice Move Fish

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Short Notice Move Fish. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  9. Short Notice Move Fish

    For sale Florida Short Notice Move Fish

    Going to be on a deployment real soon and in need to sell my fish. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. Prefer to sell the dottyback last as he is difficult to catch. Yellow Tang $200 Naso Tang $200 White Cap Goby/ Pistol Shrimp Pair $150 Niger Trigger $60...
    $10.00 to $200.00
  10. svendela

    Hello Hello from Wisconsin :)

    I have had freshwater for a while but about half a year ago got a saltwater tank that I adore, inhabitants are 2 clowns a purple dottyback and a steinitz goby pistol shrimp pair along with my CUC. I only have a couple corals, a Kenya tree, a Cyphastrea, some zoas and palys I think (both the...
  11. J

    What can I add to a tank with an established Clownfish and Orchid Dottyback?

    I have a Red Sea Max E-170 (34G Display) with a pretty well-established ORA Black Ocellaris Clownfish and an equally well-established ORA Orchid Dottyback. My clownfish is the boss of the tank and makes sure the Dotty knows it whenever she swims over to his side. I successfully kept a Yellow...
  12. stewie

    Florida Fish for sale (Dottybacks)

    $30 Splendid Dottyback $10 Purple Stripe Dottyback Located in Kissimmee (34746) area. Local pickup only
  13. Gonj

    QT Orchid Dotty back and Midas Blenny

    Just picked up a dottyback and blenny from lfs, I wanna quarantine before putting them in my dt. What medication is safe for them, I will be quarantining in the same tank. meds on hand : Cupramine Ruby reef rally Paraguard Metroplex any advice on how to quarantine these guys would help thanks!
  14. Erik the Red

    Hawkfish and Dottyback

    Hi everyone, I’m finally heading to my LFS today for getting 2 fish for my Waterbox 35.2 (23G display, 33G system) I would like to get a longnose (or Falco) hawkfish and an orchid dottyback. Do you think they can get along in the tank? They Will be the only inhabitants of the tank.
  15. L

    50 gallon cube stocking

    So I’m probably getting a 50 gallon cube soon, and this is my planned stock list It’s going to be a SPS dominated tank, it’s going to be mainly classic SPS like Bali greens and pink millies. -Comet aka marine betta (too big?) -algae blenny (too hungry? Will it irritate the corals) -sankey or...
  16. Zoa_Fanatic

    Clownfish help

    I’ve been reefing for like 8 years and I’ve never had clownfish. I just setup a smaller tank to move my last remaining damsel out of my 32 gallon. I plan to restock it with a pair of clowns, an orchid dottyback, a corris wrasse, and some pajama cardinals. Is there a species of clown I should get...
  17. Zoa_Fanatic

    Clownfish help please

    I’m looking at getting a pair of clownfish for my 32 gallon. Is there a species I can get that won’t be belligerent toward other tank mates? I plan on adding some pajama cardinals, an orchid dottyback, and possibly some type of corris wrasse to the tank. Should I go with a solo clownfish? I had...
  18. Zoa_Fanatic

    Six line wrasse or orchid dottyback

    I’ve got a 32 biocube led. I just lost my engineer goby and my only fish in there is a four stripe damsel. Can I add a six line without him bullying my damsel to death so I can get some color? Or should I go with a different wrasse? I need something that can deal with my four stripe and still...
  19. T

    Cleaner shrimp missing legs

    Hi guys, I may have a problem. I have a cleaner shrimp who lost 3 legs and all of his antennas have been cut short. I am not sure if my fish is nipping at it or if it’s being caused by my circulation pump...or something else? I have a fluval 13.5 evo and my circulation pump is somewhat close to...
  20. Nurse.Reef.Reapeat

    California Moving out Sale. Zoas, LPS, Anemones, Fishes

    Hello Guys, Were moving out of the state within the year. I’m selling the set-up equipments and livestocks. But have to sell the livestocks before I can ship or have the equipments picked up. Buy more to save. Livestocks are for pick up only unless you want to pay for shipping and shipping...
  21. DirtDiggler2823

    Spendid Dottybacks

    Anyone got any experience or advice concerning splendid dottybacks? There is one in my local shop, and while I'm just starting off and are aware that neon dottybacks can be rough, I'm getting conflicting information on the spendid dottyback. They are beautiful fish, and I'd love to add one, but...