dosing regiment

  1. 8251reefer

    Kalk in ATO and BRS 2 part

    My alk Rides between 7- 7.6 and calc around 420-430. I have been using kalk in my ATO to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels and my SPS have been growing nicely but I feel like its not as stable as it could be. My 75g evaps about 1 gallon/day. I like the idea of adding 2 part to get my alk up...
  2. Sashaka

    Started Ruby Reef Products

    Ok, so I thought I might chronicle my experience using the Ruby Reef Products. I'm sure I will have a questions regarding dosing and/or length of treatment as I go, so feedback is most welcome! Treatments I have tried: Freshwater 5 minute dips, 2 rounds of PraziPro, CopperPower (on most fish)...
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