dosing magnesium

  1. Blue_thumb

    Dosing eight.four, ions, calcification help

    I’m new to dosing. (Second week) I am using the products above by aquavitro. My pH consistently runs on lower side 7.88-7.95 which wasn’t a big concern but feel I have room to increase. I wanted to increase my calcium and mag. Process I used was to measure and dose daily what I wanted to...
  2. H

    Where is my Alkalinity, Cal, MG going?

    I am new to Saltwater. I do not have any corals. I have 2 clownfish. Redsea reefer 425. I keep putting in Alkalinity, Cal, and MG thru apex DOS. The levels keep dropping. I do an automatic water change of 1.5 gals every day. I use Classic Sea Salt Mix. Alkalinity - 9-10 dKH (approx) Calcium...
  3. M

    Ph decreasing while dosing Magnesium and calcium?

    Hey all, I would like to ask your support here. I have a 100 gal system for 50 days. Cycling complete: Nh4 0 Nh3 0.001 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 8 ppm Phosphate 0.07 ppm Ph was 8.27 about one week ago with a co2 scrubber. But after following very closely the indicators above I tested the following...
  4. Hunter90 HD

    Mg Dosing

    Good evening Reefers, I am currently dosing Kh and Ca daily in respect to coral demands, but i am recently intrigued as to if i should be dosing Magnesium also. So last week, my Mg started off at 1280 then at the end of the week it was 1240, should i be dosing to maintain 1280ppm ? My target...
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