dosing help

  1. D. Torres

    High Cal Low Alk Low Mag

    Had my LFS test my water. I’m not sure how accurate this fancy tester is but they swear by it. Based on their test I need to make some adjustments. I tested myself with API test for everything except for magnesium and phosphate I used a Salifert test kits. My numbers were as follow Alk 7 dKh pH...
  2. 7PhisH7

    Dosing Equipment Question

    hi all new members here. I’m recently starting to dose my 16 Gallon Nano tank with Seachem Reef Fusion1&2. I’ve been doing it by Hand and would like to get a dosing pump. My question is besides the pumps and tubing do I need anything else? Such as a dosing container or can I just put the...
  3. Isolated Reef

    Accidentally Dosed Spoiled Amino Acids

    Welp, I had a feeling this was going to happen but this is the situation I’ve gotten myself into. I found myself being extremely inconsistent with dosing Red Sea’s AB+ amino acid and looked for something that could be a more automated solution. I settled on Aquaforests amino acid they offer...
  4. K

    Kalkwasser dosing using tank water

    Hi, I am contemplating dosing kalkwasser and was wondering whether I can use a doser to pump tank water through a container with saturated kalkwasser which would then overflow into the return pump section of my sump. I see setups, where people use their ATO water to do the same, however, as I...
  5. J

    Mixed Reef - Do Not Understand What I'm doing Wrong

    Hello, I have a Redsea 250 and I cannot maintain the recommended levels of ALK/CA. Before I was using Seachem Part A/B and it didn't really do anything to help raise levels, I ended up losing three coral. I went to my LFS and picked up Redsea Part A/B they said this will do a lot better because...
  6. lucyretz

    Dosing a pico

    Hey reefers I have a 3 gallon pico packed with euphyllia (it is a temporary tank, we are moving to a large waterbox in the next few months). Now in a tank this small obviously the fluctuations are a struggle, i test nightly and the ato keeps my salinity stable, cal and mag don’t move much...
  7. christianscorals

    Whats everyone dosing for alk cal mag?

    Hello. I have a 25g mixed reef tank (softies, lps, sps, nps, nems) and I was wondering what everyone was using as far as dosing alk cal and mag. I’ve been using the redsea foundation A B C for a while now but it has never been accurate in what i want to raise each element by so it’s a hit or...
  8. Veteran Reefer

    Trident controlled dosing with all for reef.

    All, I am interested in what is the process to get on trident controlled dosing using all for reef. I'm planning on putting it in my DDR to be dosed along side ab+ but I'm not sure how to set it. Thoughts anyone?
  9. nanonøkk

    dosing help

    is this going to dose like this every day or no im hoping it starts at midnight and ends a minute before midnight can anyone tell me if this is gonna work it’s a kamoer x1 pro
  10. Nurse.Reef.Reapeat

    Still using Voss water bottle for dosing and needing a stand/Wall Mount? I got what you need!

    While I was looking online for a wall mount/Stand for the Voss 800 ML bottle ill be using for dosing, I stumbled across this Koova Spray Can Holder. not only this is a cheaper option, but has the best build quality for the money in my opinion. You can choose 1 to 6...
  11. Hunter90 HD

    Calcium and Alkalinity Dosing Methods

    Hi All, I am relatively new to reefing but learning a very steep learning curve which has been great fun, now my water parameters are very stable and i am now in a position where i can see my coral nutrient demand, i am looking to 'fine-tune' my dosing. So the past two weeks i have been dosing...
  12. Kamila89

    Red Sea Colors supplements

    Hi reefers!! I want to step up and start dosing ABCD supplements. I read the instructions and it says dose based on Cal consumption. My thing is,that my Cal consumption is very little,most of my corals are LPS and they take maybe 5 ml every week no even, they consume way more Kh which I do have...
  13. Bodyguard

    When to start dosing???

    I'm currently in Phase II of my cycle. As of today I'm ~6weeks in with no lights on with another 10 or so weeks to go. I'm curious as to when I need to begin dosing the tank? Before I add the my first corals..if so how many days or weeks before? Or do I wait until after I add my corals? I will...
  14. GotCrabs

    Alkalinity and Lanthanum Simultaneous Dosing/Offset Dosing

    Good afternoon. Question: Is there a rough ratio I can use to dose alkalinity at the same time as I dose Lanthanum? Why? I have an Apex with BRS dosers and intend to inject LC into the skimmer as needed to control Phosphates. I've experimented with it and it seems to work. But yes...the...
  15. K

    Dosing for SPS

    My SPS have color but not popping as much as what I see in other tanks for for sale. So I'm trying to see what I am missing... My parameters are consistently in this range: Alk 9-10 Calcium 445-500 Mag 1400 Phosphate .05 - .09 Nitrate 5-10 pH 7.75-7.9
  16. Sharebear

    Dosing Question for Triton-Core7

    Hi Guys, I'm trying to start using Triton Core 7 and my suggested start is 30ML for each (about 415 gallons total water) I wanted to get Apex DOS but.. I also don't want to spend $600.... since I would need 2... 30ML is pretty easy for me to just pour it into the sump where the return pumps...
  17. Jax15

    Comparing strength of 2-part brands

    My question is about the relative strength/concentration of different 2-part brands. I've been using the BRS pharma pouches for years, and they work well. However I also use the RedSea Coral Colors trace elements, and they suggest dosing based on the uptake of calcium... RedSea calcium! So to...
  18. galantra

    Why doesn’t my calcium drop?

    So currently right now I have a mix reef with probably more sps currently in my tank. Towards the start I had to add both calcium and alkalinity to get to the levels I needed before adding any corals into the tank. Since adding only thing that’s been dropping is Alk. So currently my Calcium...
  19. GlassMunky

    Is this Apex OSC code correct?

    I want to have the dosing pump (BRS 1.1ml/min doser) turn on for 3 minutes and 15 seconds every 3 hours, is this the correct format for the OSC code? OSC 176:45/3:15/0 Then ON
  20. DomiD

    Dosing for the fisrt time

    hey everyone I'm just about to dose for the first time using red sea abc foundation I looking to raise the alk level which is currently 7 my understanding from the research I've been doing online is to only raise it by 1 dkh at a time my target is 9 So according to the red sea calculator I...
  21. Reefer37

    I need some help...

    Alright guys, I'm getting a little frustrated over dosing and what is going on in my tank. I'm still pretty new to this as this is my first saltwater tank so bear with me. So I'll give you all the info I can: JBJ 45 Lighting: Hydra 52 HD (ran around 30%) Filtration: Stock media baskets...