Kessil A360x tuna blue like new $300 obo
(Comes with warranty card and extra 3’ power cable extension)
Kessil A160we tuna blue like new $180 obo
Kessil A160we tuna sun (2) like new $180/ea obo
(Comes with warranty cards)
Kessil adjustable gooseneck mounts (3) $45
I tried setting up the Kessil App and connecting it to the wi-fi dongle last night. The Dongle turns purple when I connect it to the A360x unit, and then turns orange after a short wait. However, I can't move beyond this step.
When I scan the QR sticker, no device is found. When I try to...
I have 3- 360X Kessils, a Wifi Dongle, and unused 90• adapters for sale. I didn’t use the adapters because the articulating mounts I had with my old Radions were able to be modified easily for use with Kessils. *I can’t ship the Wifi Dongle until the lights are sold
Bought in November and...