dkh test

  1. Smallslandreefer

    Adjusting the KH of the waterchange

    I currently have an issue with my water changes. My current salt butch has a KH of 7dkh calcium of 480 and magnesium 1400. My tanks dkh is around 8.5 my calcium is a bit elevated at 490 and my mag around 1450. I do a water change of 50 liters in a 370 liters volume so its about 20%. My problem...
  2. B

    8ph and low alkalinity

    I recently set up a 60l nano with established media and live rock from my other tank. Tank has been running 1 week with 2 clowns and 2 lps couple of zoas. Tested my water today ammonia nitrite 0 nitrate 2.5 dkh5 ph8 and calcium 380 salinity .023 My corals look good and all open. Is this drop in...
  3. S

    New Jersey FS: Used GHL KH Director, Black with New 1000ml Reagent Bottle and Water Filter

    Hello, For sale is a GHL KH Director in black with extras. Usage Description A second wider gasket was used in order to prevent water leakage where the PH probe screws into the KH Director. An original gasket or screw cap can be purchased directly from GHL to fix the issue, but I was too lazy...
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