diy spray bar

  1. M

    8' long tank - Spray bar or both end returns?

    Hello, I am in the design phase for plumbing on my tank. It's 8' x 30" x 30" (~360 gallons) and I have a negative space aquascape. I'm going to have 2 returns, I am planning for 1 return (Abyzz a100) to be over-the-top on the left side of the tank - the overflow is on the left side of the tank...
  2. Seahorsekelly69

    DIY Contest! Share your coolest DIY project!

    Anything aquarium related works! I will check in R2R for any posts titled "Seahorse Whisperer DIY Contest" also, so uploading here works too. $40 gift card to the video that gets the most likes (cross-media likes not counted). I'll announce the winner live on June 19th, but the real point is...
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