diy refugium

  1. SamD

    20 gal refugium

    I have been looking around on R2R but haven’t be able to find an answer. I have a 90 gal reef tank with a sump but it’s not big enough for a refugium. I have an extra 20 gal tank laying around. Is it possible to tie that in to add an extra 20 gal of water and refugium to the tank? I understand...
  2. TheWackyWiz

    5 gallon DIY Fuge feedback?

    Hi Everyone, I recently posted about the HOB 70 refugium have set up and ya'll really came through with great guidance so thank you for that! I've been thinking more about my set up and I have a Marineland 5g Portrait that I am wondering if I could turn into a stand alone fuge? I would locate...
  3. J

    Build Thread FIRST BUILD and FIRST REEF TANK: 425XL Reefer

    Hello, I have had a few ask me to share my build as it may give ideas to others. Happy to but I should stress this is my first reef tank....and first build. I have certainly learned along the way and it took me a while to "complete" as I only had a couple hours here and there...and on only a...
  4. sotsreef

    8g Pico Build

    Let me know what you think! Happy Reefing!
  5. sotsreef


    Please drop a like or comment because this took me a decent amount of time to put together. Happy Reefing!
  6. C

    How much HOB is too much?

    hey reefers I've got a 50 gal Hagen tank. Currently running an hob reef octo skimmer, hob seachem media filter and hob uv sterilizer. I understand it's a lot of clutter but I really don't mind. Anyway I want to add an hob refugium but my concern is tank/glass failure do to weight on the back...
Extreme Corals